It only gets worse from here

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Chapter 15: 

It only gets worse from here,

I was awaked to a sharp cry and my eyes flashed open only to realise I was still in the hospital and it was just another pacient. I looked into the distance, at nothing in particular but I was deep in thought but the weird thing was I dont know what I was thnking about. Everything. I was thinking of everything, like always. I was an over-thinking things like always. Suddenly my eyes snapped towards my bedside locker and I snached up my phone to see if Seth or Nathan had text me. I felt a surge of disapointment shoot through my body. I was sure they would have texted by now. Maybe they have forgotten about me? No stop, you are over thinking again. 

I was lonely in the hospital. No-one came in for a few hours so I just starred out of my window, what else was there to do? I thought I would have been out of the hospital today but I had a bad night and was up all night so the doctor suggested that I stay another night. I would have protested but right now I was still dreading going home. Then something crashed into the door. I had a glimmer of hope that it would have been Seth or Nathan but it wasnt. 

'Good morning hunny, how are you feeling today?' said my nurse, Daisy. Her name matched her perfectly, she was like a flower. Daisy always made you smile no matter what the situation, was lovely to me, always knew what was best for me and I could trust her with anything. She was in her late 40's and she was like what a mother is ment to be like in the fairytales, certainly not like my real mother. Sometimes when I could not sleep she would tell me stories of her childhood, as she was from Africa. She would tell me of the adventures she would have as a kid with her brother. It was amazing. 'Ya, I'm good' I said to her as she placed brekfast tray on my lap. 'Now Teddy, I know your not 'good', I wasnt born yesterday you know' I gave her a weak smile and she sat down on the chair beside my bed. 'What's wrong baby?' she said lifting my chin up to look into her eyes. 'Everything' I said simply and meekly. She got up and came towards me and gave me a hug. I loved her hugs as they were warm and heart felt and I knew they were true. 'Seth and Nathan will come back' she said smiling at me. 'I'm not too sure about that, I have no one hear with me Daisy-' She cut me off quickly. 'Teddy you have me! Dont forget that. I will always be here for you.' I smiled. 'Thank you Daisy' She than sat there for a minute deep in thought and I didnt want to disturb that. 'I've got it!' She said clicking her fingers. She ran out of the room saying. 'I will be back in a while Teddy!' I was confused. 'But Daisy-' there was no point trying to shout she was gone without an explanation. 

An hour or two later Daisy came in with a huge handbag. 'I came as quickly as I could' she said walking somewhat uneasily into the room she closed out the door. 'Wow, nice bag?' I said still uncertain why she brought it. 'I hope you dont mind I snuck into your backgarden while your mom was away' she said placeing the bag on her lap. 'Am ya thats ok but may I ask why?' I said kind of laughing still clueless. Then the bag began to move. 'Wait, what is that!?' I said moving away from the bag. She started to zip open the bag looking up at my expression and I know now why she was doing that. 'Biscuit!' I shouted softly and he let out a little bark and came running up the bed and cuddled into me. My smile was beginning to hurt my face from being so big. 'Thank you SO much Daisy!' I squeled outstretching my arms to hug her. 'You just seemed so sad I knew this would cheer you up' she said smiling proudly. 'But you do know the rules there is no animals aloud in the hospital'. She said and I felt my smile beginning to fade. 'Just remember to hide him in this bag if anyone comes in' she said placing the bag beside my bed. 'Thank you again Daisy, this means so much' She walked out of the room with a big smile.


Time went by really quickly as Biscuit was here. I missed him so much and was thrilled to have him here but five o clock I heard noises outside my door. I quickly placed him in the bag and he stayed as he listened to me. 'I'm afraid only friends and family aloud to enter' said a doctor. 'Oh but thats ok we are friends' said an unfamiliar voice. Then moments later the door swung open hitting the wall and three girls walked in as if they owned the place. Suddenly realisation hit me. Mandy O Connor. The school's most popular girl blah blah blah.. she was the one who bullied me the most when I came to Australia. She made my life hell. As for the other two girls, I'm guessing they are her evil minions. 'Well well well If it isnt the bear! You look even worse than before! Did you miss me? Of course you did!' Mandy screeched wait no I think that was ment to be a laugh. 'CLOSE THE DOOR MEGAN!!' she screemed at one of the girls who quickly ran to the door. Mandy dramatically sat on the chair beside my bed. 'So! I saw you in the park the other day! I saw EVERYTHING! What were you doing hanging out with them boys!?' she said raising her voice. I wasnt going to take this. 'Just because they prefer to hang out with me more than you dosent mean you have to get mad, its ok Mand,' I said using the terrible nicknae Mand, 'we can share' I grinned. She was furious but then a wicked smile came on her face. 'So how are the boys? I hear they arnt in town and from what I hear its because of you!' This stund me as I never accepted the possibility that maybe its because of me that they ran.. 'Ya makes you think' she said smiling smugly. The other girl, not megan was going to say something but Mandy quickly stopped her. I was no looking down at my hands not knowing what to say. 'You wont guess what else I heard! That your mother dosent love you anymore! Wait no I think it was she DESPISES you!' I went to slap her across the face but she caught my arm and squeezed it hard. I could see Biscuit was going to pounch but I eyed him and he knew not to. 'Now now now, we dont want to start another fight do we? Someone could get hurt again!' I just glared at her. 'Always starting fights not a good thing you know you could loose alot of friends over fighting, oh wait you already have!' I just hung my head in shame because I knew it was true. It was my fault, everything was. 

'I almost forgot I brought you something!' She said genuinely. She held out a big chocolate muffin. I held out my arm to take it. 'Better not to eat, we dont want you getting any fatter than you already are' she said getting up and stomping her heels hard on the tiles to the door. Wow that really hurt me.. 'Oh ya also, you shouldnt hang around them boys, you're not worthy of being even near them' she said walking out the door. 'Tah tah dear' she screamed down the hall. 

After they were long gone it had already gotten dark and Biscuit was back in the bed in my arms. His beatiful big eyes looked up at me. What if all them things Mandy said were true. What if the boys really did leave because of me? My mother despises me? I knew she hated me but despised? Was I really fat? I looked down at my body now feeling sel concious. What worried me the most though was that I'm beginning to believe that I shouldnt hang around the boys. The truly are too good for me.. I felt a tear slide down my cold hard face but was suprised when Biscuit licked it. Maybe its true, my only friend is a puppy. 


Hai, First I would just like to say if you are still reading my book I thank you xx I am the worst author in the world on wattpad, I should get a prize ;) I can imagine it 'worst writer on wattpad is awarded to (drum roll) @oddchild17 !!' Anyways- This chapter is not that great as it was only a filler chapter and I had writers block :/ Does anybody fell sorry for Teddy?? Does she deserve it? Who LOVES Mandy?  (echoing silene) So what should happen next? I am begging ye plz tell me! You could change Teddys future ;) The power is in your hands.. hehe so vote! Also for the dediation it is open to anyone who woud like it just comment about.. who is your favourite character in this book (apart from Teddy) and the dedication is yours! 

Til next time my chocolate chip cookies warm out of the oven.. mmmm I'm gonna make some now! Byeee! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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