Chapter 2

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Author's Notes:

Sorry this took so long to update hah

At lunch, Sollux barely managed to catch sight of a familiar slicked-back hairdo attempting to slip through the crowds in the direction of the cafeteria, and once he did it wasn't hard to weave through the people who ignored him for the most part, and grab hold of Eridans sleeve.

"We need to talk," he said, as quietly as he could, painfully aware that they were surrounded by people listening in interestedly, and Eridan looked at him with those wide purplish eyes that shouldn't be legal, all nerdy hipster frames and soft face, and blinked owlishly.

"Not.. Not here?" Eridan said, glancing down at the grip Sollux still had on his sleeve, which Sol let go of like it had burnt him once he realised Eridan probably didnt like being touched so.. possessively? Who knows. Sol was busy focusing on the way his voice had cracked as he said here, and chanced a glare at the assholes surrounding them.

"Yeah, alright," he said back, rougher than he intended, before weaving back through the crowd, catching the people who tried to trip him or ED up and kicking them in the shins hard enough to make them withdraw before either of them could stumble. They escaped from the packed corridor and made it outside, where there were a few students milling about, but the area was roughly empty, so Sol turned to Eridan and was met with a hopeful expression that was too damn cute for the owners own good.

"Tho," he started, scratching the back of his neck as he realised he really hadn't thought about what to say at all. "I've been thinking about Friday, a lot."

Eridan sighed and looked down. "This is the conwersation w-where you tell me I need to get a grip, pay you, and leawe you alone, isn't it?" he asked quietly, and the sheer dejection in his voice made Sollux's heart almost drop out of his chest.

"Well I wouldn't thay no to the money, but thatth becauthe I'm dirt poor and lowkey need it. I wath actually gonna thay... would you maybe, well, join me on a proper date? Maybe thith Friday? Like, actually go thomewhere and call it an official date? Or ith thith too thoon? We dont have to thay we're dating, jutht to, like, tetht the waterth and whatever? And I could pay, if your parentth have like cut you off from the family gold mine thankth to me being a thhit on Friday? That theemth like thomething your dad would do. But like-"

"Sol." The interruption was quiet, but sparked with a hint of hope and happiness.


"A course I w-will. But I'm payin."

"Aw, what?"

"You paid for the McDonald's trip. It's only fair."

Sol laughed. "You realithe McDonaldth ith dirt cheap and I could've probably afforded it even if we had jutht had another medical bill for Tuna roll in?"

Eridan laughed back and rolled his eyes. "And you realise it w-was my first taste of peasa- normal life? Now-w speakin a peasant food, w-we should go eat some shitty cafeteria food before people w-wonder w-where w-we are."

Some deep-rooted issue in Sollux's brain muttered that no one cared whether he was there or not, but he pushed down the thought and followed Eridan, who had started to slowly drift back towards the inside. "Yeah, thure. But that meanth you have to actually eat thomething, not jutht pawn your food off on Jade."

"Oh, shush, you."

"And we need to make actual planth for Friday. Firtht date and all."

"Sol." This time Eridans voice was dangerous, low and attractive in a way that made Sollux shiver. He never knew a single syllable of his name could sound so attractive. The smaller male spun around as he spoke so he was facing Sollux, one eyebrow arched high above his eyes.

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