Chapter 3

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Author's Notes:

I'm really sorry this took so long to update aaaa

Eridan hummed in happiness as he reached over for another book. He was at the top of the ladder in their library, collecting books for his homework and that he had been meaning to read for a while, thoughts of Sollux on his mind as he pushed the wheeled ladder around the shelves and leaned out farther than was probably safe. To his knowledge, he was home alone, so he was perfectly happy to lean out in an attempt to reach a book just out of his reach, on a shelf just past where the ladder rail stopped. His other arm was full of books already, but he knew he could do this, so he bit his tongue and leaned out further, fingers almost brushing the spine. Just a little further...


Letting out a yelp, Eridan jolted the ladder and immediately felt himself going off balance. He grabbed instinctively at the book, managing to grab it, but then he could feel himself slipping off the rung he was barely standing on, and before he knew it he was falling through the air and thudding hard onto the unforgiving stone floor. His head swam, and it took a few minutes and an adjustment of his glasses to recognise that his father was standing disapprovingly above him, having just watched him fall from the top of the library ladder and smash into the ground, holding twelve books - now thirteen - and then lie on the floor like a weakling.

Eridan squeaked and stood up as fast as he could, fighting the bile that rose in his throat and the fuzziness that rose in his head and eyes. "Yes, father?" he managed, brushing himself down and scooping up the books now scattered across the floor.

Dualscar was an intimidating man, whether he was trying to be or not. He wore crisp suits all the time - Eridan couldn't think of a single time he had seen him out of one - and his face was cold, and screamed ruthless. The harsh, raised scars that inspired his nickname certainly increased the ruthless look. His black hair was slicked back in the same style as both of his sons, and he currently had his arms folded, staring down at his youngest son with a cold expression that told Eridan this wasn't going to be a friendly conversation. Then again, when were they ever?

"About your boyfriend." Dualscar continued, face twisting at the word boyfriend, as though he physically had to spit it out. Eridan sighed and finished collecting his books, holding them close to his chest and facing his father properly, never meeting his gaze. Dualscar didnt like his sons making eye contact with him. It felt like a challenge, and usually ended in trouble.

"Yes, father? W-what about him?"

"I don't like him. One bit."

Eridan let out a carefully calculated breath. One wrong move here could ruin a lot of things. "You don't, father?"

"Don't be insolent. No, Veronica, I don't. He's far too brash, and far too disrespectful of his superiors. Particularly for a commoner."

"W-well, for w-what its w-worth, father, I think he's rather lowely."

Dualscar's eyes flashed with anger, and Eridan tried to brace himself for the hit he was sure was coming, but it never did. "Your opinion is worth nothing. You should know that by now."

Blinking in surprise that he hadn't been hit like he expected, Eridan lowered his head and looked at his feet. "Yes, father."

"I dont want you talking to him again. Ever. And I will know."

Head snapping up, Eridan met his father's gaze for the first time in years - immediately a mistake, he could tell by his father's eyes narrowing and sparking with fury. "W-what?!" His second mistake. No politeness, no submissive tone, just pure angry shock that made his father straighten up even further and stare down at his son furiously.

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