Chapter 8

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The end of the school day was met with everyone piling into Johns bright yellow car, affectionately dubbed Casey (after Dave had finished rambling to himself, of course), in order to drive to the cinema and see what was playing. The car was nowhere near big enough to fit all eight of them, so everyone piling in more roughly meant six of them squishing into the car while Rose and Kanaya roared off on Kanaya's motorbike. Jade called shotgun first - or perhaps loudest, but either way she rather triumphantly plonked herself in the front seat - which left Dave, Karkat, Sollux and Eridan to uncomfortably squash themselves in a backseat probably intended for two people at most.

A little overwhelmed by the enclosed and tiny space, Eridan was mildly relieved by the revelation that he could sit nearest the door, which meant when they stopped he could get out quicker. Sollux was no happier about the arrangement, but he wasn't gonna say no to the opportunity to be squished close to his boyfriend - even if Dave was on the other side of him, waggling his eyebrows at Karkat.

"I'm sorry about the tight squeeze, guys!" John announced, adjusting his rear view mirror and twisting in his seat to see the disgruntled backseat passengers. "Casey isn't the biggest of cars, but she is my daughter and if any of you talk shit about her I'll smash your fingers with a sledgehammer."

No one talked shit about her. The car roared to life and reversed out of the parking lot carefully in relative silence. Dave was the first one to break it.

"Ten bucks says Rose and Kanaya make out during the movie."

Sollux smirked. "Ten buckth thayth Dave and Karkat make out during the movie."

"Hey. That's a terrible investment, dude. Of course we will." Somehow, even in the enclosed space, Dave managed to snake a hand around Karkats shoulders, who scowled at him, but it was slightly offset by the blush on his cheeks.

Jade twisted around. "So will Rose and Kanaya, though, so if you think about it any bet on couples making out is a terrible investment!"

"Are they actually a couple, though?" John asked interestedly.

"Of course they fucking are, did you see the way they looked at each other? You'd have to be a total dumbass not to see it. Gal pals my fucking ass."

"What an eloquent addition to the conversation, Karkles."

"Shove it up your ass, Strider."


"Hey! No fighting in Casey!"

"Only you would name your car something as nerdy as Casey, Egbert."

"Casey's not nerdy! She's named after my salamander!"

"You named a car after a thalamander?"


"How very Egbertian."

"Whats that supposed to mean, Dave?"

"John! Don't twist around!"

"Whoops! Sorry, Jade! I'll try not to kill us, hehe!"

"We're gonna fucking die."

"Not nethetharily, KK."

"Oh yeah, Captor? Egberts at the wheel. Wanna say that again?"


"Oh man, I feel like this might get violent, and I don't feel comfortable in the middle of it. Yo, Eridan, wanna trade?"

"Don't think that w-would w-work considerin w-we're currently driwin."

"You mean I'm currently driving you!"

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