Chapter 30 | The Ending

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whoa, creative chapter name alert^^

"Okay, class," Ms. O'Carthy says as she walks up to the front of the room. "Hopefully, everyone's finished their projects."

For once, Glory isn't groaning to my right, and she's actually smiling; we all helped her finish it last night.

Well, "we all" with the exception of Lee, who did basically nothing, but no one was really too surprised about that.

"So, who's gonna go first?" she calls, and, once again to no one's surprise, Lee raises his hand.

"Fine, Cancer, you go first," she sighs, as Lee slips on his T-shirt over his other shirt and steps up to the front of the room.

Lee spends a few minutes speaking about his gold-themed T-shirt, and it's better than I expected, at least from Lee Cancer. At the end, he takes a stupid little bow.

A few other people go, and then it's Alex's turn. As expected by literally everyone, she aces the presentation and answers every question that Ms. O'Carthy can throw at her.

Tyler goes, and then Troy goes, presenting his ridiculously verbose Praseodymium speech. Some more people go, including the Trinity and Chloe girls, and then it's Glory's turn.

Glory steps up to the front and, as expected, her shirt is covered in art, even though there aren't very many words. Clearly Ms. O'Carthy is surprised by her work.

"Glory, this looks awesome, how did you manage to pull this off, I know about everything that's going on..."

She smiles, and throws the group of us a stray glance. "I had a little help... from some friends of mine."

Ms. O'Carthy nodds, and then I realize that it's my turn. My element. Silver.

Carefully, I slip the T-shirt on over my sweater and walk up to the front of the room. I start to ramble on about Silver, it's creator, and it's properties, until the time is up, and the class claps.

"Okay, class," Ms. O'Carthy says. "Since we're all done with our projects for today... we might as well have one more party before everyone leaves for Thanksgiving break."

"But no one brought food," Lee complains, pouting. "It's not a party without food."

"Well, I guess it's lucky that I brought some over," says a voice, and we all turn around to see usually grumpy Mr. Gordon with a grin on his face.

"My class was gonna have a party, too, so I thought I might as well bring drinks and chips over for you guys, too." He smiles.

Ms. O'Carthy smiles back and takes the box full of food, and they look at each other for just a second too long.

"I ship it," Glory whispers in my ear. "I ship it so hard."

I roll my eyes as the lights are turned off again and Ms. O'Carthy puts on one of her famous documentaries and Alex groans.

"I hate documentaries," she grumbles as people start passing around the food. She comes to sit down next to me at our table as people move to sit next to their friends.

The three idiots come back to us, holding their signature foods: Lee with a cup of Sprite and some hot chips, Troy with two cups of root beer, and Tyler with a huge bag of cool ranch Doritos.

"Aww," says Glory as Troy walks up to her with both of the root beer cups. "You got one for me, too? How nice of you."

Troy snorts. "No, they're both for me."

Glory rolls her eyes and looks mildly annoyed before calling Troy something that she's lucky Ms. O'Carthy didn't overhear. Troy laughs and shakes his head.

"I was gonna share them both with you, but if you're gonna be like that..."

Glory just elbows him in the ribs and snatches one of the cups, taking a long swig of it before handing it back to him.

"You two are gross. And root beer is gross," I say, turning away from her. "Hot chips are nice, though," I say, stealing one from Lee.

(pusheen don't yell at me for this )

Tyler walks over to Alex, a mischievous look in his steel-gray eyes. "You're single, right?"

"Yeah, but you're not, so why are you asking?"

"I'm not asking for me," Tyler says quickly. "It's just, there's this guy in my math class who really likes memes and I think he likes you—"

"Absolutely not. No. Fifty shades of no. Nope. Tyler you can go die in a hole. I am not doing that. No."

Tyler shrugs. "Just saying, if you ever—"


Glory laughs. "Oh, I know him, Tyler and I have the same math class. Yeah, someone needs to put a restraining order on him."

"I volunteer," Alex spits, and grabs a few chips from Tyler's plate.

I just laugh as I look at all of my friends: Troy and Glory sharing a root beer, Lee trying to flirt, Tyler smirking at everything, and Alex looking at everyone like we're idiots... and we are.

This is how it should be. I want it to stay this way.

I want to be Razzledazzle.

• • •

okay cue the clichè ending amarite

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