Chapter 28 | The Apology

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It doesn't take me that long to find him. I've wandered through only a little bit of the empty school before I come to the cafeteria.

He's standing by the vending machines, alone in the giant cafeteria, and holding a bag of chips.

Really? In the middle of all of this drama? He goes and buys chips?

Actually, that doesn't really surprise me.

I feel kind of bad, because he looks lonely, sitting all by himself, when just a few days ago he had a gaggle of friends by his side.

Carefully I sneak up on him as he pigs out on chips. He doesn't see me coming, or if he does, he's ignoring me.

"Lee," I say, because I can't stand the silence any longer.

He whirls around. "R-rose?" he stammers. For the first time since I've met him, I'm actually kind of disappointed that he didn't call me Razzledazzle.

"That's me," I reply, but he doesn't laugh.

"What are you doing here?" is what he says instead. His electric, battery-blue eyes look dull and dark.

"I came to talk to you."

He snorts bitterly. "Why would anyone want to talk to me? Because apparently, all I do is lie."

He crunches another chip between his teeth, not meeting my eyes.

"Lee," I sigh. "Why are you mad at me? You're the one who played me, tricked me, and lied to me, working with Singleton the whole time."

He lets out a breath. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the world, Rose. And I'm mad at Troy for making me do this stupid dare in the first place."

"Lee, you started that whole dramafest," I point  out. "You're the one who tampered with the Spin-the-Bottle game."

"Troy didn't have to dare me to get you to be my girlfriend!"

"But Troy didn't dare you to do that. He dared you to ask your crush out. He had no intentions of hurting me. I guess that's just how it happens sometimes."

"Wait," says Lee, a chip still in his hand. "Who told you about that part of the dare?"

"Tyler," I tell him. "Because Tyler was the only one nice enough to go after me," I can't help but add.

"Well, Glory and Alex went after you, too. They just haven't found you yet," Lee says, and then stops himself. "That's not the point."

"I'm sorry," he says in a small voice. "I'm sorry for everything I did, for playing you, going behind your back, for everything. I didn't mean to hurt you like this."

"Just like I'm sure Troy didn't mean to start an entire war over a Spin-the-Bottle game."

"Hey, his name is Troy—would that make it the Trojan War?" asks Lee with a grin. I roll my eyes.

"You are just the king of ruining the moment, you know that?" I'm aware of how close we're standing.

As close as we were when he bought me that ice cream.

That reminds me...

"Hey, Lee? How come you didn't tell Troy about the ice cream incident?"

He blushes. "I didn't want Troy to tell the others that I really had a crush on you—only he was supposed to know that part," he admits.

I smile to myself. We're really close now. Really close. Super close.

"Well, I think you already know how I feel about you," I tell him quietly. Super close. So close.

And then he just pulls me in, and it's the ice cream scene all over again. I don't know what I'm doing or what's happening—all I know is that he's kissing me and I like it.

It's almost soothing, to have him right there, like I can forget about everyone else, about all my problems, and just lose myself in the feeling. It's so relaxing.


Three guesses who that is...

Lee and I spring apart and try to act natural. Glory and Alex are standing a few feet away, and Glory is covering her eyes, while Alex is rolling hers.

"Ugh... what are you guys doing?" Glory groans, pointing a finger at us. "I'll never be able to see that... ack!"

Alex rolls her eyes again. "Says the one who made out with Troy in front of some water fountains."

"We did not make out," Glory objects. "Besides, you creeps were eavesdropping on us. Even if it was part of Troy's plan, just, ugh." She shudders.

Alex ignores her. "Well," she says. "I guess we found you. And I guess you're getting along now?"

"Of course they aren't," Glory sarcastically retorts. "They were just making out because they're mortal enemies."

"The sarcasm is not appreciated."

"Says the queen of sarcasm."

"At least I'm not the queen of drama."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


"GUYS!" I shout, finally getting the attention of the bickering pair. "Calm down! Y'all are both equally sarcastic, okay?"

Lee is just casually watching us, munching on his chips. "Y'all are cute when y'all argue," he says. "Especially Rose."

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I mean... Razzledazzle."

The fact that he's using my old nickname is enough to give me a grin worthy of the Singleton twins. And that's a pretty good grin.

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