Chapter 7 | The Dare

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After a little bit, I give up on Glory and walk over to where Alex is standing by the chip bowl, conversing with Tyler and his girlfriend Ann, who apparently has some classes with Alex.

They're talking about math problems or something when I join the conversation.

"Where did Troy go?" I ask, because I haven't seen him since he stormed in here.

Tyler shrugged. "I honestly have no idea. Why?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "Do you like him?"

I roll my eyes. "If I liked him, I would have at least acted a little more excited about kissing him," I point out. "I'm just curious."

Tyler nods, stealing a chip from the bowl. "I think he went to the bathroom but I honestly don't know."

"Thanks for being so helpful," I retort, also snatching a chip before stalking out of the kitchen.

I'm about to go over to Glory again, see if she'll talk to me, but before I even make it out of the kitchen, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around.

It's Lee.

I'm still mad at him, mad for making Troy kiss Alex when he clearly didn't want to. Mad at him for tampering with the game like that.

"You know, Razzledazzle, you're kinda cute when you're mad."

I glare at him. "You're right. I am mad. That wasn't a nice thing to do."

Lee rolls his eyes and fixes his spiky strawberry-blond hair. "I was just trying to keep the game fun," he complains. "I knew it would be more interesting if he kissed Alex because he's actually friends with Glory. He doesn't know Alex that well."

To be fair, be has a point.

But I would never admit that.

"And I didn't want to ruin his and Glory's friendship," he adds. "If they kissed, that might make things awkward between them."

Another good point.

Dang it.

"Great job you did there," I reply sarcastically instead of agreeing. "I'm sure things are totally not awkward now."

Lee sighs. "Razzledazzle, we're getting very off topic here—"

"Don't call me Razzledazzle!" I shout. "I don't like that stupid nickname."

"I don't care."

"I—aaargh—Lee, what do you want? Why did you even start talking to me in the first place?"

He backs away, his electric-blue eyes glittering coldly. "I just wanted to know if you would play Truth or Dare—"

"What? No! I'm not playing Truth or Dare with you! Especially now, after I've seen what a cheater you are!"

"I was just trying to make it fun!" he protests.

"No," I say firmly.

"At least come watch," he whines. "Please? Razzledazzle come on. You don't have to play."

I hesitate. "Will you stop calling me by that stupid nickname?"

He swallows. "Sure."

Sighing gustily, I follow him back into the kitchen, where a group of people, mostly guys, were gathered. I notice that Troy has returned, and I notice that he looks about as happy with Lee as I am.

So, not very.

I can hear Tyler whispering in Lee's ear. "You need to be careful," he muttered. "Troy's going to try to get you back for making him kiss Alex when he should have kissed Glory."

"I was just trying to protect their friendship—"

"Shut up, Cancer, you were doing it all for the drama," Tyler snaps back, grinning.

I join Alex and Ann at the edge of the thong of people, along with some other girls and a couple of guys that look just about ready to go home, at this point.

Glory is still out in the living room.

"All right!" Lee shouts from the center of the mob of people. "Who goes first?"

"Why?" asks Troy bitterly, "don't you go first this time?"

"Because," Lee replies. "It's my party, I get to do what I want. Duh."

Troy narrows his ice-colored eyes and stares into Lee's electric ones. "You're just another player." He raised his voice. "I say Lee goes first!" he shouts.

"And I say Lee doesn't go first!" Lee ripostes, pumping his fist in the air.

"This is getting too heated," Alex mutters. "I'm going to check on Glory." She slips out of the kitchen and Troy continues the rally.

"Why don't we have a vote, then?" he growls. "Everyone who wants Lee to go first, raise their hands!"

It was a short vote.

Everyone's hands were already up.

Lee's eyes widen. "B-but—"

"Shut up, Cancer," Tyler snaps. "Just pick: Truth or Dare."

Troy's eyes are glinting maliciously with the neon strobe colors. "Truth or Dare?"

Lee swallows. "Dare," he says, like any sensible person playing Truth Or Dare.

Troy and Tyler exchange a glance.

Slowly, Troy meanders up to Lee, a wicked smirk on his usually emotionless face. He starts to whisper into Lee's ear, and Lee's expression only gets more and more fearful.

"I can't do that!" he cries, once Troy's backed away. "That's just—downright cruel."

"What you did to me earlier was "downright cruel" and so I deserve payback," Troy spits. "You're going to do this dare."

Lee looks straight into his eyes. "Challenge accepted."

Troy raised his eyebrows. "Fine."

Lee opens his mouth, probably for more fighting talk, but is soon interrupted by Alex, who comes rushing into the room.

"What is it?" I ask immediately.

"I—I can't find Glory anywhere!"

[where did Glory go? No one knows.]

[Well, I do, but you know what I mean.]

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