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Meliodas left the storage room, leaving Zeldris alone for a while. Meliodas was happy to have that kind of talk with Zeldris, he never knew that he'd actually have that conversation with him.

Meliodas stopped in front of Elizabeth's room. He stood there and opened the door, Elizabeth was sitting on her bed with a smile. Elizabeth looked up and saw him, "Oh! Meliodas." 

"Are you okay?" Meliodas asked, concerned. He entered the room and sat next to Elizabeth, making Elizabeth blush. "I-I'm fine.."

Elizabeth remembered Zeldris, "Meliodas.. I'm sorry about not telling you about Zeldris." She apologized and Meliodas looked at her. "It's okay, Ban told me about it already." 

The both of them shared a comforting silence. Just sitting next to each other. After a while, they heard footsteps.

They looked at the door to find Zeldris walking past the room. Zeldris stopped walking and gave the both of them a disgusted look. "Lovers." with that, he walked away. 

Elizabeth blushed twice as hard while Meliodas chuckled at his bitterness, Standing up, he offered his hand to Elizabeth. "You still dizzy?"  

Elizabeth was't dizzy but she sure was clumsy. Elizabeth took his hand and somehow tripped on her own feet. Meliodas caught her, "Careful." 

Elizabeth blushed again. By now, she was a walking tomato head. Meliodas noticed the tomato head already and he secretly smirked. "C'mon~" Meliodas held her hand as both of them walked down stairs. 

With the sound of footsteps, everyone stopped what they were doing and his everything that they could. 

"what's going on?" Meliodas asked. King shook his head, "Nothing much, Captain." 

"Are you feeling better, Elizabeth?" Diane asked, changing the topic. Elizabeth nodded. "Yes." 

"So Cap'n~ Will we be opening the Bar tonight?" Ban asked, Meliodas looked at Elizabeth. "Can you take it?" 

"Of course!" Elizabeth exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "Alright!" Meliodas exclaimed, making everyone start moving and preparing for the night. 

"What does Zeldris do? Will he use this uniform?" Gowther pointed at Escanor's uniform. "Or this?" Gowther used the girls' uniform with a pose.

Zeldris' eye twitched, "Why would I use that!?" He yelled at Gowther who just stared at him blankly. "Maybe you'd like it." Gowther stated before running off in the kitchen. 

Zeldris was fuming, but Meliodas smiled. Taking Zeldris' attention, Meliodas already had the boys' uniform in a plastic bag. "Try that on." 

Zeldris took it and changed in the bathroom on the first floor. When Zeldris got out, everyone waited outside to see him in the Boar Hat's uniform. Meliodas walked next to Zeldris. 

"Fufufu~ Don't we look alike?" Meliodas joked next to the uncomfortable looking boy. Zeldris glared daggers at Meliodas, "Don't use that temper while you're serving unless you want to sleep outside." Meliodas warned with a grin.

Zeldris got nervous and reluctantly nodded. "Alright!" Meliodas walked away from Zeldris and went to the others. King passed Zeldris, he just glanced at him before floating away. Zeldris remembered that Diane told him once that King hated Demons and has a hard time trusting them. 

Zeldris just sighed, if it took Zeldris time to change into what he is now, then he can wait until King can feel comfortable with him there. 

Before Meliodas was about to open the bar, he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He looked at it and it said, 'Chikara Ritual'. Meliodas put the paper in his pocket, not caring, and he opened up the bar. 

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