9 Her Anger.

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Leah's POV:

As I leave the house, I replay in my head whatever happened. Ashton's approach.

I felt his eyes piercing through my mind as I was walking out but being around him I might just mess it all up.

He has this thing about him. Something that makes me feel concerned. Conscious.

His expression when I merely touched his doorknob. His hard grip over me as if he wanted to rule me. He wanted to own me.

His grey eyes showed something else. Something changing. Something softer.

His laugh. The voice of it. Giving me chills as I think of it again. His warmth and his smile. His voice and his silence. I think of it all. I felt so desperate as he came closer to me. So weak as if my legs were gonna loose all strength and only his hold would stand me. So ready to give in, grab his face and fucking kiss him.

This feeling he gives me. So less but it grows so fast and so much more on me.

He holds a lot about his own. He's not an easy one to decipher. He's built his walls quite strong.

The harder they're to break, the quicker they're to be formed. I need to be something more to him. Something concrete. Something he can centre himself to.

Because it was my choice to know everything you hold Ashton.


I don't know how to start. I don't know if I can trust him but I don't feel anything about him doubtful either.

As I walk through the empty lanes, I finally reach home and put a full stop to my thoughts with Zulu barking so loudly.


Lauren's going to kill me for today as I forgot telling her that I'd be staying this long. I breathe out a sigh ready to face her as I ring the doorbell once.

The door open to reveal a happy face of her as she swings along with the door. There's something odd about her. She's usually never so optimistic and bubbly.

Connection with Zulu barking but only if he could speak.

Her eyes have bags under them as if she's been crying and she slurs as she greets me.

'Where'd you go? I miss you so.' She sings as she falls over me with tears in her eyes. Her body so still. My heart stops. Lauren is my life.

I lay her down as tears start pouring out of my eyes. I try to wake her but she doesn't budge. I call for a doctor as I slowly lay her on the couch. I tap my foot impatiently as the doorbell rings.

I rush to the door tripping and balancing. My hands shaking, I open it as it reveals a lady in white.

I don't care to see her smile. I don't want anyone else better than Lauren. I wait patiently as I let the doctor do her bit.

'I have put her on an anti drug, she probably overdosed on something that lead to all this.' She says as she pulls off the bag on her shoulder. 'She'll be good to go. Don't worry.' She tells me as she pats my shoulder.

'What drug?' I speak out monotonously. I never knew about this.

'Sleeping pills.' She tells me as I gasp.

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