17 Him again.

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Leah's POV:

I reach caffeinated as I find a familiar face with all my memories flooding back.

'Marc.' I breathe as a figure with hazel eyes and beautiful blonde hair stands in front of me.

He's beautiful. He's just a beauty.

'Leah.' He says in his brisk voice as he steps forward.

I look down as I try to stop my tears. My heart feels heavy. I want to hide away. Run away. Cease to exist.

'This has waited long.' He says before he wraps me in a hug.

I fall altogether into his embrace vulnerably as I feel every broken piece of me being gathered.

We part away as I look into his eyes. Some lost emotions find their way back to me.

I can't believe it but I miss you.

'Let's go.' He says as he takes my hand and we move briskly through the crowd.

I am pulled over as he has entire control on where I'm heading to.

We walk out of the crowd as he stops and turns back to me. I look into his eyes once more. The more I look, the harder it gets.

'Leah, I want to return what I have kept.' He tells me as he takes my hands and puts them over his face.

'What?' I gape at him as he sighs, his hand still on mine and mine against his cheek.

He just places a soft kiss on my palms as we start walking down a familiar path. A trail of memories. The old track road.

We reach towards the tracks as he lets out a small laugh.

I look at him as I frown. He just smiles. We both look at the tracks. I draw in a deep breath. He takes my hand again as we walk along the tracks.

'Do you remember?' He asks as he's still smiling.

'I do.' I say softly as I stop to look at him.

'You're still here.' He says as he sighs.

'So are you.' I say my voice tighter.

'Are we?' He asks me as I withdraw away my hand. He looks hurt. His eyes reflect pain. I fold my arms as I look down.

'I'm sorry.' He says as he takes a deep breath,'I shouldn't have said that.' The words leave his mouth.

I don't wanna let this go; I don't wanna loose control. I'm lost. A part of my existence was gone with him. Long gone. And now he's here.

'Leah!' I hear the shriek he lets out as my insides are already falling apart.

'Edwin?' The words leave his mouth in disbelief. He's shook. He's still as a statue. He's fallen apart. I did this. I had to.

'Why?' He says it over and over again as he falls to the ground. His head in his hands.

'Edwin stop me.' I whisper as slowly as I can as Edwin wraps me in a hug.

'YOU!' I hear Marc seethe,'GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER!' He says as he shoves Edwin off me and lands a punch on his face.

Blood. Edwin. Marc. Me. My fault. My fears. My guilt.


'Why hazel?' He says as desperation pours out of his voice. He's out of breath. He holds me by my shoulders.

'Haven't I kept you happy? Haven't I loved you? Hazel?' He murmurs pale and blank.

'No. You never did.' I say dead at the inside. As cold as I can sound. 'You're just a fool.'

'YES! YES IM A FOOL. I'm your fool.' He says giving away everything he has within him.

There's nothing he'd not do just to make me love him.

'Edwin.' I say as I walk over to him as he stands still. His eyes begging me not to do anything. To stop. I walk forward as I press my lips on his for one last time.

'GO AWAY LEAH! JUST LEAVE!' The words fly out of Marc's lips as he sips an entire glass of whiskey and sends it flying on the floor into pieces.

That's what I wanted. Without a word I leave taking Edwin's hand in mine.

I'm bad at love.

'Hazel?' Marc's voice echoes through my soul as I look at him tears falling through my eyes. I'm shaken off from my thoughts. Back to reality.

'I never loved you. I didn't. No I don't. No-'

'Shh.' He whispers as he places a kiss on my forehead,'I'm still your fool.'

There's no Edwin here. There's no party. There's no love.

'Marc why are you back?' I choose to ask of all the questions I have.

'Because,' he struggles, 'I want to mend this love.'

I can't think. I can't breathe clearly. My lungs are grasping for air. I can't. It's blurring. Everything is. Everything is blurring.

'Marc-' I say as I choke on my breath, I clutch his shoulders. I can't stand. I'm shaking. I'm scared.

'Everything's going to be okay love.' He whispers as he wraps me into a hug.

'Someday.' I say as I part away,'I need to get back home as soon as I can.' I say as I start walking away.

Away from him. Away from the memories. Away from the pain.

'Hazel!' I hear him yell,'I'll see you around.' He says as he catches up to me.

'Okay, Marc.' I tell him as I look away picking up pace.

'And hey,' he tells me as he pulls me back leaving an inch between our faces. My hands on his chest and his eyes pouring into mine.

'I won't bring this up until you do, I'll be waiting. Waiting.' He tells me as he leans in.

He presses a soft kiss on my lips and parts shortly after, our foreheads touching.

'I'm gonna stay here till the dawn, waiting.' He says as he lets me go.
I'm so sorry for such a late update. Please keep me advising for better. Hope to see you guys loving this.

Team Marc vs Ashton.
Let me know in the comments.

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