|| CHAPTER 3 ||

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Chaemi P.O.V.

I was home with Minji and the 2 boys. I decided not to get ready yet, since the boys haven't even started getting ready for the party.

“Where's all the snacks? Aren't you supposed to get ready for the party tonight?” I asked Wonwoo. Suddenly Mingyu came through the door with tons of boxes of alcohol, I quickly took some out of his hands to help

“For a senior party, all we need is alcohol!” Mingyu said as he smiled at me and placed the alcohol in the kitchen.

“I thought you said everyone was invited?” I asked also trying to place it down gently, but Mingyu took the boxes from my tiny hands and it placed it on the table.

“I'm sorry, I meant to say, for parties thrown by seniors!” He said with a smirk. I shrugged as I dusted my hands, and was about to head to the bedroom, but suddenly Minji showed out of nowhere and pinched Mingyu's ears.

“I thought this was gonna be a safe party?! Now you're putting alcohol?!” She asked as Mingyu hissed in pain. Mingyu pryed her hands off his ears and massaged his ears while pouting.

I just wanted to have fun before I leave high school!” He said stomping his feet. Minji rolled her eyes at his statement.

“Like you're going anywhere afterwards! But because of that, I'm gonna let this slide, as long as you let me have one drink of beer from the party!” She said with her hand out. Mingyu rolled his eyes before shaking her hand in agreement. “So when is the party gonna start?” She asked crossing her arms.



I just finished my outfit, it took like 3 hours but it was worth it. I had a gold metallic, strapless, short dress on, and kept my hair wavy. I put heavy makeup on, and had gold high heels to finish the outfit. Minji had a short, lace black dress on, it wasn't so see through, and had black high heels, and of course also heavy makeup in too. We both looked in the mirror in satisfaction.

“Okay, Chaemi, shall we head down stairs?” Minji asked with her arm out, I hooked my arm with hers and headed downstairs. When we made it, there were many people, I wasn't even sure how their house could fit this much, but it did. I noticed everyone had a beer in their hands, I gulped at the sight.

“Wanna join honey?” I heard someone ask me, while making out with a girl, I shook my head in response and kept walking, avoiding eye contact. I looked in the kitchen and saw that more than half of the beers were already taken, I felt Minji let go of my arm.

“Well, I better get one or two before it's all gone!” She said as she hurried to the kitchen, I was left there lonely, and a quite scared. Suddenly I was pulled onto what looked like a dance floor. I looked at the person and saw Mingyu, I blushed a bit before making eye contact. Mingyu came closer to my face, and the smell of alcohol came from him, I quickly moved away, but was pulled back.

“You look hot Chaemi!” He said, as the scent became stronger, I plugged my nose and backed away slightly.

“How much did you drink?” I asked, he smirked and licked his lips, making me bite mine.

“I lost count,” he said making me slap this chest. “But that doesn't matter! What matters is you!” He said, making me fluster. “I may have lost count of how many beers I drank, but I haven't lost count of how many hearts I have for you!” He said, I smiled and looked into his dark brown eyes. Does he really see me as more than his little sister's friend? Will I finally have my chance? Suddenly he pulled me close, close enough to kiss, he smirked, and pecked my nose. Then in one blink, he was gone. I was left once again, this time confused, and disappointed. I sighed as I walked around. I headed to to the bathroom, to stall. Once I opened the door, I caught a couple making out, I immediately closed the door, and blinked twice before walking away, trying to forget what I saw. I just decided to sit on the stairs to waste time. Suddenly I felt someone sit next to me.

“Chaemi?” I turned and saw Vernon with furrowed eyebrows. “Why are you sitting here?....alone?

“Parties thrown by seniors aren't that fun!” I said as I put my head down on my lap.

“It's sad to hear that! How about we both take a shot of beer, just for experience!” He said, I bit my lip before lifting my head up and nodding. He helped me up and we both went to the kitchen, I got 2 shot glasses and a beer bottle. I poured it in our cups. We both looked at each other before grabbing the cups.

“3, 2, 1” We both said as we drank it, I immediately made a sour face as I swallowed it carefully. We looked at each other and laughed.

“Well, at least we tried!” Vernon said, and I nodded in response with a smile. I suddenly felt dizzy and was about to fall, but someone was behind me to catch me.

“Chaemi? Did you drink?” His low voice said, I looked up and saw Wonwoo.

“Only one shot!” I replied as I gained full consciousness, I immediately got on my feet and looked at him.

“I guess you're not used to the taste and feeling…” I nodded as I walked away, slightly stumbling as I made my way through the crowd. Everyone was crowding around something, I squinted my eyes as I took a look.

“No...this can't be happening….” I said as my eyes started to tear up at the sight. Yina was all up on Mingyu, they were...Kissing. I shoved everyone out of my way to my bedroom, as I was I saw Minji also drunk and dancing like there's tomorrow. When I made it to my bedroom I jumped on my bed and cried, I didn't care if my makeup got messed up, I just needed to cry. I can't believe I actually thought he thought of me as more...I'm done being played around! I'm not a toy….but...I am a fool...a fool for Kim Mingyu. Suddenly the door swung open, I looked up and saw Mingyu.

“Please, just g-get out!” I said as I got on my feet pointing to the door. He smirked and came closer. I backed away, also pushing him away. “Stop! Just go!” He didn't bother and kept making his way to me. “Please! Just stop hurting me! Stop making me believe untruthful things!” I said which made him stop. His eyes soften as he looked at me deeply in the eyes.

“You will smile again Chaemi!” He said as he pressed himself against my body, pushing me onto the bed. He was hovering over me as he kissed my neck, my eyes widen at his actions, then suddenly I moaned because he found my weak spot. He moved from my collarbone to my lips, soon our lips touched, and I finally was living my dream. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, he laughed and kept kissing me. Taking a breath we both stopped, but continued quickly. He held my neck and my waist, I was still holding onto his shirt. Then he stopped, I opened my eyes and looked at him with confusion. He got off me and looked around awkwardly, before exiting my room, leaving me confused and sad.

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