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Warnings: fluff, kinda steamy but not smut, cursing

      Keith wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. The past few days had just been one akward situation after the other, building more and more sexual tension. And it was all Lance's fault, gosh Keith hated that bitch. Well not really, he actually really, really, REALLY liked Lance. But was in denial.

     First was the training session Shiro forced both boys into were Lance 'fell' and took Keith down with him causing them to land on each other's chests. Not to mention that Lance sometimes trains shirtless, and that held true that day. Then there was the time Lance ate a flower from another planet with similar affects to alcohol, walked past Keith and 'acidentally' slapped Keith's ass. And finally Pidge dared Lance use all his most suggestive pick up lines on Keith all at once. Oh, almost forgot the time Lance came out of the shower to be startled by Keith and drop his towel.

     Only Pidge knew about Keith's crush on Lance, and she took every opportunity she saw to tease him about it. Though she wanted Keith and Lance to get together more than anyone (and trust me the others on the ship wanted klance to happen big time). Today was the day where Allura finally let the padalins have a break and do what they wanted, which was why everyone on the ship was sat around trying to decide a game to play when Pidge suggested hide and seek.
     "Really Pidge? What are we five?" Hunk asked raising an eyebrow. Pidge ignored him, "Come on guys it'll be fun! We can make teams and everything." She said. Lance stood, "I agree with pidge, I would so own Keith in a game of hide and seek." Keith rolled his eyes, Lance continued talking, "But let's make it more difficult and play hide and seek tag!" Lance proclaimed as if it were the best idea ever. Pidge nodded her head egerly while grinning. Everyone else agreed, the teams were: Lance, Pidge, and Hunk; Keith, Shiro, and Allura. (Coran the gorgeous man was the ref and made sure no one got hurt or lost) "alright", Shiro began, "Lance's team will hide first, you have to all hide together and if found run back to the base without being tagged if you succeed your team gets a point. If you don't, your teams out. By the way this game is very childish." He finished. Keith's team faced a wall and began to count to 50 and the game began.

     So far it was a tie, 3 rounds won to 3 rounds won. But both teams wanted a winner, "Last round, Lance's team will be hiding now, you no longer have to hide with your team for this round. If one of them is caught then they lose. If they all make it back their team wins." Allura announced. Keith turned and counted to 50, once done he looked at Shiro and Allura. "Shiro, can you go after Pidge? Allura, can you go after Hunk? I've got Lance." Both nodded and ran off. Keith went down tons of corridors he'd never been down, he past a turn and a little ways down he heard a snicker. He turned back around to see Lance running out of the turn Keith past up and heading towards the direction of the base. Keith was not going to let Lance win, he chased him down another corridor before finally catching up to him. Lance was trapped in a dead end, Keith closed in on Lance. But was confused when Lance just stared at him smirking, he wasn't going to let it phase him though. He charged Lance and put his hands on either side of his head pinning him to the wall. He was out of breath, "I - caught - you" he panted. It took Keith awhile to realize how close their faces were, once he did his face was tinted with pink. Then in one swift movement Lance spun both him and Keith around pinning Keith to the wall this time. Keith was suprised, "What are you-" he was cut off by the feeling of warm lips on his cold ones. Keith imideantly kissed back, both boys tilted their heads to depend the kiss. Keith's hands began to roam Lance's chest while Lance had his hands in Keith's hair. Lance pressed his crotch against Keith's, Keith groaned at this new friction. All their built up tension from the past few days was released in a kiss. Lance bit Keith's lower lip causing Keith to gasp allowing Lance to shove his tounge in Keith's mouth. Keith moaned and grinded his hips, Lance pulled away kissing down Keith's jawline and neck leaving slight marks just below Keith's shirt so they'd be hidden. Once he was finished with his artwork he looked at Keith who stared him in the eye and said, "Your definitely out now, which means I win."


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Also 0 to 100 real quick amirite?
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