Chapter 1

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Phil's POV

"I'm clocking out Ash!" I yelled out to my coworker, Ashley. "Okay Philly! See you tomorrow" I smiled happily and grabbed my jacket, putting it on and heading to my flat. I've lived in Manchester for about four years now. I am twenty-one and I work at McDonald's. I did finish high school online so I'm not a high school drop out. The first year living here was rough. But eventually I got the hang of being an adult and caring for myself and now I have a pretty steady life.

I sighed, stopping in my tracks. I didn't really want to head home just yet. I smiled and decided to head to the park for a bit. I was walking around the park, taking pictures of so many things. Then I heard a puppy barking and I turned and saw a box that said 'Free Puppies' I smiled and walked over to the box and saw a small black puppy with deep brown eyes. He had a bit of fuzzy fluffiness on the top of his head. One of the ears had a small white spot. I smiled down at him and put my hand in the box, giggling lightly as he began to lick my hand. I picked up the puppy gently. I couldn't stand to just leave it. Plus he seemed really special to me. His eyes reminded me of well... someone who was once very close to me. "You can come home with me." I said softly to him, him licking my hands in thanks. I giggled happily and headed to my flat.

"Cat! I'm home!" I hollered out, the puppy barking after I said that. I giggled at the small puppy. "Philly!" I heard Cat say as she ran in, hugging me and kissing me. She looked down at the puppy and gasped. "Oh my gosh Phil! He's so cute!" I nod and smile happily. For once I was truly smiling in my own home. I met Cat when I first came here and she apperently somehow got the impression we're dating. "What's his name?" I bite my lip and look down at him, his deep brown eyes staring back at me. I smiled gently before saying in almost a whisper "Bear" She smiled happily and kissed my cheek "That sounds perfect!"

I nodded and set Bear down. He quickly began running around and sniffing and barking happily. He really did love his new home. I was glad. I sat down on the floor and he came running over to me, licking my hand. "Awh you're welcome Bear" He barked at me and nuzzled his head to me. He looked like a JackRussell pup. "You're gonna be so hyper and playful aren't you?" I asked, petting him and earning a bark in a response. "I'll go get him some pet supplies from the shop" I nod and turn to her "Get him a red collar, It will stick out and bring out his eyes" She nodded and left.

I smiled happily and giggled, petting and playing with Bear. I've never felt happier. "You're so amazing" I said to him softly as he curled up next to me, closing his eyes and dozing off. I got out my phone and took a picture of him. I went on kik and sent a picture of him to Ashley.

Ashley: Dawh!! It's so cute! Is it yours?

Phil: Yup! His name is Bear!

Ashley: That sounds perfect Phil! :)

Phil: It is! ^.^

I smiled happily and decided to scroll through my chats. Then I felt my phone vibrate. I looked and saw a new chat request.

Dan X-X: Hey, wanna chat?

I bit my lip before hitting chat. Then I typed a reply...

Phil: Sure! My name is Phil ^.^

Dan X-X: Dan... hru?

I stared at my phone. Dan. That name could instantly bring me to tears. I missed him. A lot. I loved him... And he left me. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I felt my phone vibrate. It had been five minutes since Dan had sent the message.

Dan X-X: I'm sorry for bothering you...

Phil: No no! I'm fine... just got distracted that's all.

Dan X-X: Good :)

I looked down at Bear who was happily dreaming, then I stared back at my phone. My brain was filled with so many thoughts. And a part of me hoped Dan had actually lived and that was his Dan he's talking to. It was a small amount of hope. But it was still there. 

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