Chapter 2

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Phil's POV

I woke up the next morning to Bear licking my cheek and barking. I sat up and put on my glasses, yawning and stretching out. Bear quickly jumped into my lap and looked up at me. I felt my heart melt before this puppy. "Okay let's go get some food" Once I said that he was off my lap and carefully jumping off my bed. I stood up and grabbed my phone before heading to the kitchen. Cat was probably at work so I had the house to myself for a bit and plus I had the day off! I want to try to teach Bear some tricks! I smiled happily and got into the bags that Cat had brought home from the pet shop. I got out two red dog dishes with white bones printed on them. Then I pulled out a small red collar for him. I bent down and called him over to me. Then I put it on him. "There...proof that you have an owner!" I said cheerfully as I patted his small head.

Once I got Bear some food and water I began to look for some cereal to eat. I settled on Lucky Charms, pouring me a bowl and walking to the living room, sitting on the sofa and turning on the tv. I quickly found the channel that always had Adventure Time playing on Saturdays. I smiled and ate my cereal quickly.

I finished eating and set the bowl on the coffee table. I pulled out my phone to see I had a kik message from that Dan guy from yesterday.

Dan X-X: Good morning Phil! I hope you slept well and I really hope you don't mind me messaging you again :D

I smiled at the message. It was really sweet and I really didn't mind that he had messaged. Normally I never get good morning texts. Not even from Cat. I giggled softly and quickly typed a reply.

Phil: Good morning! I don't mind and I slept amazingly! Hbu?

I hit send and went off the kik app. As soon as I had done so my notification sound went off with a new message from Dan.

Dan X-X: I slept pretty good... It was lonely tho... ;-;

Phil: Awh! Don't be alone my friend! Get a puppy, they're amazing company!

Dan X-X: Your friend? And maybe I will.

Phil: Yup! You haven't given me a reason to not consider you a friend so ^.^

Dan X-X: That's really sweet Phil :)

Phil: I'm a sweet person.

Dan X-X: Sooooooooooo.... what's up

Phil: That awkward so tho XD... and I just got done eating breakfast while watching Adventure Time!

Dan X-X: Adventure Time is gr8, what else do you watch?

Phil: Attack On Titan, Death Note, the Harry Potter movies, Lord of The Rings movies, My neighbour Totoro, and some other stuff I can't think of right now

Dan X-X: Ohhh! I love all of that!

Phil: That's great! Do you play video games?

Dan X-X: Yeah! I kick ass at Mario Kart. and I play Sonic, Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Bishi Bashi, oh and Halo 3!

Phil: Same! Well... I kinda suck at Mario Kart but I still love it! Oh and I have all the Sims 3! And I play the sims 2 as well!

Dan X-X: That's cool! I've never played the sims before

Phil: It's amazing!

Dan X-X: Is it bad I am actually surprised that we've had a conversation without me dying of awkwardness??

Phil: Of course not! I'm the same way really.

Dan X-X: Hey I gtg, my friends are here to take me to get pizza then go to some shops

Phil: Okay! Bye, have fun

Dan X-X: Bye! And I shall try my best Philip

I smiled happily and leant back, giggling. He was definitely gonna be a future best friend! I wonder what music he likes! I sat there, rereading the chat. He really did make me think of my Dan but my Dan is gone... so this couldn't be him... I sighed and set my phone down. I couldn't wait to tell Ashley about him. I knew for sure not to tell Cat though... She'd probably think I'm lying to make myself feel better about the whole Dan situation or she'd get jealous and start bossing me around more and not giving me privacy. She's a sweet girl... Just bossy and a tad bit obsessive... I sighed and closed my eyes. I couldn't wait to be able to talk to Dan again. 

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