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After the introductions were over with, and his mom said she's had a very long day, and needed to get home to get some rest...she kissed Criss first, then she came over to me and kissed me...and said that she would see me again very soon...then she turned to Jd and asked him to take her to the house...because Jd stayed at the house too...so he could be with his wife Lynn, and their 13-year-old daughter Dimi...which he added that I would be meeting tomorrow...because he told Dimi all about her new Auntie...and she was really excited to meet me...I looked over at him and said oh goodie...then I looked at Criss and said I was an Auntie already...then I smiled at Jd and said I couldn't wait to meet her.

They soon left and Costa was locking up the register and closing the store...and I asked him if he had any surprise family members that I was going to meet...Costa said nope...just him...but then he added that hopefully, it wouldn't be that way for long...because he was still looking...then he gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek, and told me that it was a very good thing to have me apart of the family...then he tossed Criss the keys, and said that he would go shut down the BeLIEve store...and Liquidity...then he was going to call it a night and go crash for the night too...Criss gave him a hug and told him goodnight. 

Criss looked at me and saw me yawn a few times...then he came over to me and asked me if I was ready for bed...Spike was sound asleep in my arms...and without looking directly at him...I told him I could definitely go to sleep right now...Criss put his arm around me...and walked me to the elevator...once we got in...and went to the top floor...there was nothing but one hallway with one room at the end of it...Criss's suite...he pulled out the room key...and slid it into its slot...and the door automatically opened. Criss clapped twice and all the lights came on...I looked at him and said he really had clap-on lighting...he snickered and said he had to do it that way...because he was always and forever forgetting where the damn light switches were in the room.

Suddenly I jumped when an unknown thing was rubbing up against my legs...I gave a light scream...but Criss quickly went down and grabbed his cat...and shut the door behind me...and told me this was his son Hammie...I looked at the cat and gave him a scratch...and told Criss I could definitely see the resemblance...he snickered and said yeah...then he kissed him on the forehead...and asked him if he was a hungry boy this evening...then he went to the kitchen and grabbed some milk out of the fridge...and after he drank a few swallows out of it...he offered me some...I gave him a slight smile...and shook my head no...then he knelt down and poured a bowl full in Hammie's dish...and told him to drink up.

My arms were getting tired of holding Spike...and asked Criss where I could keep Spike...Criss told me to put him wherever...that this was his home now too...I sat him down on the sofa...and he curled up next to the arm of the chair and went back to sleep. After Hammie finished eating he cleaned himself up...then got nosey...and hopped up on the sofa...where Spike was...but after much observing and sniffing him...Hammie curled up next to him and went to sleep...purring contently...as soon as Spike felt another living body next to him...he curled up closer to Hammie then he did the sofa's arm...thinking it was one of his brothers or sisters.

I grabbed my phone out and took a couple of pictures of them laying together...I heard a knock on the door...Criss said he would get it...and helped the bell boy bring in all my luggage...and my footlocker...I was going to ask him where my room would be...but he carried my things right passed me...and took them to the master bedroom...after all of it was in the room...he said not to worry about unpacking tonight...that I could do it tomorrow...I went into the room and asked him that we were sharing a room...Criss looked at me and gave me a slight smile...and told me that we were married...and that's what a married couple normally do...I gave him an insecure smile...and told him that I wanted my own blanket...Criss came up to me and put his arms around me...and told me that I wasn't being very friendly...but when I looked at him...I knew he was bullshitting with me.

I told him with full confidence...that after I got used to him...and he got used to me...I would settle in and learn to be a full throttle wife...but this was my first night...and he'd just have to be patient with me...Criss chuckled as he went to his side of the bed...and began to strip in front of me...I quickly turned around...and ran into the bathroom...and shut the door behind me...Criss looked around...and snickered to himself...knowing that his new wife was a total virgin...and was afraid of everything...that had to do with the opposite sex. I looked thru the peephole waiting for him to get under the covers so I wouldn't have to see him almost naked.

Until I saw him walking around the room in his underwear...I had to admit he looked pretty damn sexy...I snapped out of it...and told myself what in the hell was I thinking about...then I took my clothes off...and brushed my teeth...Criss came to the door and asked me if I fell in...because he needed to brush his teeth...I didn't think about me being in my undergarments and opened the door...but when I saw the look on his face...I looked down and gave a screech with tooth paste running down...and slammed the door shut...Criss was so laughing at me on the other side of the door...and said I was so cute when I blushed.

I quickly finished in the bathroom...and put on my nightshirt I got out of my suitcase...then I opened the door and rapidly walked around him and jumped in the bed and covered up all the way over my head...full of embarrassment...Criss just snickered lightly and kept the door open as he stood there in his underwear brushing his teeth...when he finished he turned the light off and shut the door...then he came around to his side of the bed and crawled in...but before he laid down...he clapped twice and the lights went out...Criss rolled over and looked at me in the dark and gently wrapped his arm around me...and kissed my forehead...and told me goodnight...I was a little nervous...but I managed to go to sleep...after he closed his eyes...plus we were under our own blankets...for now.

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