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(Kc's p.o.v.)

I woke up the next morning with Criss wrapped around me like a clinging monkey...with his blanket kicked off on the floor...and him under my blanket with me...I stared up at the ceiling for a moment...before actually realizing that he was under the blanket with me...and in nothing but his sleep shorts...I froze as I got a very close look at his perfectly chiseled body...I took a slight breath in...and tried to slide out from under him...but it didn't work...he pulled me back to him and buried his head underneath my neck and snuggled closer to me...Hammie jumped up on the bed and curled up on top of me...and began to purr loudly from his contentment.

What could I do...but I had to admit I wasn't as nervous or as scared as I thought I'd be for my first time sleeping with a guy...but then again he wasn't just any guy...he was my husband. moments later, I heard Spike scampering around on the floors making all kinds of noises...I looked up around the room and saw Spike dragging one of Criss's boots around the room...I quickly jumped up and tried to snag him before he chewed his boot up...because he was still teething...but he ran under the bed...and was growling and jumping at my hand trying to be playful snapping at me...with his little-painted dipstick of a tail...twirling 100 miles per hour...Criss woke up and saw my ass sticking in the air and chuckled at how silly I looked...he laid his head over the side of the bed and asked me if I lost something...I pulled my head up and blew my hair out of my face and told him that Spike was having a hay day with one of his boots...and I was trying to rescue it before he mangled it to shreds...but he went under the bed toward the middle just out of my reach.

Criss slid off the bed and took a look...and when he saw Spike snarling at both of us...daring us to grab the boot away...he snickered and told him that he better not have ruined his favorite boots...then he called him a little shit...as he magically made the boot slide out from under the bed...with Spike still holding onto the tongue of it...Criss lifted his boot up with Spike still attached to it...he finally got him pulled off his boot...and ruffed Spike up a little before tossing him on the bed...so he could check the damage he did to his shoe. other than the strings being ripped to shreds...and the tongue pretty mangled...it was alright...I looked at the boot and apologized for it...Criss gave me a grin and said they were still wearable...and that's all that mattered...then he searched the house for his other one...which was half under the sofa...he drug it out...and said at least the little shit managed to make matching mangles on the boot tongues...I quickly got dressed and searched the house for anything else Spike may have gotten into or did.

I was a little relieved when Spike didn't potty anywhere that I saw...until Criss came out of the bathroom...and told me that Hammie had a dedicated follower...as he showed me that Spike pottied in Hammie's litter box...I smiled at him and said at least he got the rooms right...and didn't do it on the carpet...Criss came out after he cleaned the litter box...and tossed it in the trash...I looked in on Spike and saw that he was chewing on something...I ran over to him and took it from him...it was a rubber mouse...Criss looked at Hammie and told him that he better hide his toys better...because his little brother was quite the hellion...but Hammie just laid back down and went to sleep...Criss looked at me and said he didn't think Hammie cared too much.

Criss finally got dressed and put his new and improved mangled up boots and said he had to go to work...because he was actually a few hours late...because he slept like a rock for some reason...then out of nowhere he came up to me and kissed me and said he'd see me later...then added before he left the room...he said he would be on lunch break after 1:00...and would like me to come down and join him...I had Spike in my arms and told him that I would love to...he gave me a slight wave and a smile...and left...I looked at Spike and told him that while no one was in the house...he was getting kenneled...so he didn't tear up anything valuable...so I set up the kennel in the bedroom on my side of the bed...and filled his food and spill-proof water bowl...and left the door open...until it was time for me to head downstairs.

I got a little bit lonely so I decided to give my friends back home a call...just to let them know that I made it there safely...and I met my husband...and that our first night living in his suite at the Luxor was actually quite nice...and he was gorgeous!...and so far he had a pretty good sense of humor...and loved animals...and kids...then I told them that he was loaded with money...and had a lot of awesome rides...Sandy and Rachel asked if I met the in-laws yet...I told them both yes...and added that they were all very warm/welcoming people...and I really liked them a lot...unless they were just pretending to like me...and they'd gradually turn into very mean people...but I doubted it. I told them both that I had two brother-in-laws...one sister-in-law...one niece...and a mother-in-law...and added if I had any other relatives I haven't met them yet...and that I haven't really met my niece or sister in law yet...that was going to be sometime today that I meet them.

Sandy quickly asked me to send them all pictures of my other half...which I was a little embarrassed to say...I didn't take any pictures of him or with him yet...I did find a picture of his mom and two brothers on the mantle though...and snapped a picture of it...and sent it to them...and told them that those were my two brother in laws...and my mother in law. I changed the subject just before they said they had to leave...and asked them when they were going to come to Vegas and spend a few weeks with me...because I really missed them...because I was lonely here...I didn't know anyone...then I did tell them I made one friend...and that she was one of my husbands ex-girlfriends...and her name was Kim...which was going to make our married life a little colorful...then I laughed and told them bye...then hung up and put Spike in his kennel...and fed Hammie...then grabbed the room key...and headed to the lobby to meet with Criss for lunch.

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