Chapter Three

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Sam and Dean restlessly attempted to waste time, awaiting a call from the officers working on locating a "killer", which they knew all too well wasn't human. They had already done as much as they could when it came to finding the Djinn's hiding place, but it was more difficult than one would like to admit. In fact, they had found what they predicted was a hiding place for the Djinn at some point, however it was apparent that the monster had moved camp somewhere else (much to the brothers' dismay). Though it wasn't something they enjoyed doing, that meant they would have to wait and see if the next victim were to be dumped where the others were or somewhere new, which would give them a broad idea as to where to search next. They were moreso experts at hunting, not investigating.

"Dammit!" Dean shouted, sitting on the edge of his bed in the motel room he and Sam were currently sharing. "This is taking too frigging long. We need to hunt him down and take care of business." Sam sighed and sat next to Dean on his own bed, at a loss for ideas. "He really doesn't wanna be tracked. He clearly knows somethin' is up and we haven't even come near him." With his head in his hands Sam nodded. Both of them were stressing over what should have been a simple case. You hunt something and then you kill it, which sounded easy enough. But with the Djinn covering its tracks so efficiently, they had practically nothing to build off of and were left in the dark.

Things started to look back up when Sam received a call from one of the officers, informing them that another body had turned up. Within minutes, they were back on the road and to the original crime scene where another lifeless woman had been dumped. It was strange how the Djinn moved house but continued to use the same dump site; yet that still helped Sam and Dean. They knew it was close, and obviously not as intelligent as they had initially believed. Dean observed the body, taking notice that the only open wound on her body was the prick where a needle was inserted. He nodded to Sam and threw his used latex gloves in the trash with disgust.

However, what they didn't know was that a whole other set of FBI agents had arrived at the scene, official, unlike Sam and Dean. Hotch led the group, holding up his badge in order to get to the body before they were interrupted, only to be interrupted nonetheless. "Excuse me?" he said as an officer ushered them all back slightly. Confused, the profilers all looked to Hotch who simply sighed with annoyance. "We're with the FBI, the Behavioral Analysis Unit, to be exact," he explained. The officer simply chuckled and jerked a thumb behind himself to Sam and Dean who were off discussing the Djinn in the distance.

"There's already two agents here, how many could you possibly need?" the officer questioned. Hotch looked beyond the man to where he was pointing, noticing the way Sam and Dean stuck out with their black suits. They looked official enough, which explained how they managed to gain access, but Hotch knew for a fact that they were not FBI. The only agents who would be on this case were ones that either worked with or directed by Hotch himself, which was an immediate red flag. "I'm obligated to ask why you're here if there's already two able-bodied agents."

"Those aren't agents," Hotch declared with a whisper, looking behind himself to Gideon. "I don't know who they are, but we would have been notified if other agents had been sent to the scene," he added quietly. He turned back to the officer, his face stern and clearly far from pleased. "I don't care how many agents are here," he lied fluently, "we still need to see that body. If you haven't noticed, we're dealing with a killer. Women's lives depend on it." The officer gave a lousy sigh and stepped to the side to let them through. Over his shoulder, Hotch nodded to Gideon who quickly walked up to the agents, placing a hand on each of their shoulders and giving them a fake smile. Reid and Prentiss both continued on their way to the body, ignoring the imposter agents and continuing to work.

Agent Hotchner introduced Morgan and himself to the other officers, his eyes glued to Gideon and the two men pretending to be agents. Very quietly, Gideon spoke to Sam and Dean, appearing as though he was making friendly conversation with them from an outside perspective. "We know you aren't agents. Who the hell are you?" he questioned with a smile, his hands holding the brothers in place. Sam chuckled nervously, looking straight into Gideon's eyes.

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