Chapter Seven

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The sound of Agent Jareau's footsteps entering the room raised both Gideon and Hotch's heads and hopes. Reid had left with the two men they were holding over an hour ago, and needles to say there was a large amount of concern and worry radiating from the remaining agents. They had been hoping she could provide them with some good news about the state of the three missing men (as well as Morgan). Their moods immediately dropped as she shook her head, silently informing them that everyone's whereabouts were still unknown. They were unaware of the fact that the three men were busy rescuing Morgan from something they had never even heard of (not that they would believe in a Djinn if they had heard of such a thing).

"We have to do something," J.J. said, watching as the agents before her turned away; "can't we put out a search for them?"

"I don't think it will be much of an aid. Reid's intelligent, if he doesn't desire to be found then we won't find him. As for Morgan, there's plenty of places he could have ended up in by now." Gideon replied with remorse, every word masking hopelessness with a fake tone of its opposite.

It was then that the most convenient thing possible occured; the missing agents and the Winchester brothers all pushed their ways into the room. The only one who was seemingly more tattered up than Derek was Sam, the latter's clothing torn slightly along his stomach along with splatters of blood from Dean's arm in the same area. Reid appeared normal aside from looking more shaken up than the occasions where he witnessed someone's life ending when there were other solutions. Everyone was silent, not one of them knowing just how to explain the situation, as well as Gideon, Hotch, and J.J. who were all simply shocked. Their jaws had already dropped, eyes wide with surprise (aside from Hotchner, who had the same blank expression he was typically sporting). In Dean's usual manner, he sighed and stepped forward, cockily smirking as he looked Gideon straight in the eyes. "I saved your agent friend's ass, so I think I deserve a reward," he said. Sam cleared his throat from behind his brother, but Dean paid no attention to his wordless warning.

"Reid, Morgan." Reid reluctantly raised his head to face Hotch, Morgan having less of an issue with doing so. "I want to speak to the both of you in private." They both nodded in reply, Reid's eyes sinking back to the shoes on his feet. "Jason, keep an eye on these two." Hotch jerked his head over to the interrogation room, the two agents following with anticipation. Morgan placed a hand on Reid's shoulder and pulled the younger agent closer to his side in a sort of hug, silently giving Reid the hope he so desperately needed. At the end of the hallway that lead to said interrogation room, Hotch turned around to face the both of them, prompting them for an answer.

"Hotch, I-"

"No, I want to hear from Spencer," their superior interrupted, Morgan instantly shutting his mouth. Reid glanced at the man beside him, receiving a simple nod of encouragement. He took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. In the worst case, he could lose his job, and this job meant more to him than practically anything aside from his mother. He had found a family in the people he learned to work with and come to love, as well as fallen in love with the job itself. Things were morbid, he had nightmares, but there was something about it that excited him and gave him purpose. He simply couldn't lose that. Which is why he chose to be entirely honest with Hotch, facing the fact that it was very unlikely he would be believed. But he believed that somewhere in Hotch's mind, he could afford to actually listen to Reid. There was a span of time in which everyone was tense and anticipating something more, but the silence was finally disturbed.

"Derek, how much of this is true?" Morgan shook his head and replied with a fearful tone.

"All of it, Sir." Sir. That wasn't something Hotch was used to hearing from someone with an attitude like Morgan's. To anyone who didn't profile people around the clock, that might have seemed suspicious, but Aaron felt compelled to believe these two, especially considering he had placed such a strong trust in them for literal years. "We know it sounds crazy - hell, the only reason I can believe it is because I lived through it. Those two out there," Morgan chuckled, and for a moment every sign of worry etched into his face disappeared, "they saved my life."

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