Chapter Four

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The profile had been assessed when it became clear what the unsub was searching for in a victim, considering all three women were almost identical. His desire to kill them was based solely off appearance, which was concluded by Morgan, who pointed out to everyone that none of the women knew each other in the slightest. With that information, they could have also concluded that the killer was searching for a sexual release, however Prentiss and Reid inspected the bodies and visited the coroner's, both times ending up with no evidence of rape or sexual assault. The women had apparently willingly followed this man since there was no sign of them being knocked out, or they had been drugged, which seemed more likely (especially since there was some kind of poison in the women's systems). The profilers had decided that they were looking for a male either with Renfield's Syndrome, or who was obsessed with Satanism, who wanted some kind of power over these women, hence why he would hold them captive for so long and slowly drain them.

The entire time they were discussing the unsub, Sam and Dean restlessly squirmed in their seats, wishing someone would listen to them. They knew what they were hunting, and they damn sure could figure out a way to cage him, but the profilers all had little belief in the supernatural, and certainly weren't listening two men who were impersonating agents. Dean was especially annoyed by the end of the profile when all the police officers left the room and returned to their posts, practically banging the front legs of his chair against the tile flooring with impatience. Gideon had approached them multiple times, saying they could leave the room and head on down to jail whenever they gave him their full names. The only keeping Dean from spitting in the agent's face was the heel of Sam's boot digging into Dean's toes. If there was anything he hated, it was being ignored. Sure, they had been held by officers before, but this time he hardly even had a chance to defend himself.

When it seemed as though everyone was preparing to exit the room, Sam hatched a tiny plan. Silently, he hoped that the younger agent with the sandy brown hair would be the last to exit the room, and his prayers came true when Reid stayed behind to examine the pictures for just a moment more. Morgan made a joke about Reid just before stepping entirely out of the room, which was when Sam made his move. "Psst!" Sam hissed, attempting to lean forward slightly in his chair. Reid paid no attention to the brothers, continuing to focus on his work. "Hey, uh," Sam paused, cursing himself for hardly being able to recall the agent's name, "Reid!"

It was then that the man Sam was calling to finally turned around, a displeased look written all over his features. "What?" he practically whined. "Look, I understand, it sucks here. But you two were impersonating federal agents, and that's a very important strike in the book of law." Dean chuckled and watched as Sam struggled to think of something to reply with. "However, you do seem to know basic vampiric lore, so I'll give you credit for that much."

"Wait!" Sam said, blossoming with ideas once more. "I know about more than just vampires! I know what's been kidnapping and murdering the women!" Reid managed a skeptical look before heading over the table and grabbing his satchel, slipping it over his neck and one shoulder. He stuck his head out the doorway and called for J.J., ordering for her to watch Sam and Dean while he searched for one of the other agents. J.J. silently slipped into the room, sitting across from the brothers at the table, sifting through cases upon cases inside folders. They both groaned as she acted as though they weren't even there, salting the open wound of them being held in a police station.

Elsewhere, Morgan smiled as he spoke on the phone with Penelope Garcia, the technical analyst for the BAU, pleased to hear the information she had managed to dig up. As it turned out, there were similar kidnappings and murders, however, none of them were in the area, and they had happened at least a two years ago. In that case, no one was ever arrested, considering the crimes suddenly stopped. Police were never able to locate the unsub, but now it was seeming as though he had reappeared in a new location. The victimology was more or less the same, confirming that this was obviously the same killer. "Thanks, Baby Girl," Morgan remarked, closing his phone and looking up to Gideon, repeating all the information he had just been fed. There was a collective feeling of urgency within the agents. If the unsub had paused his killings once, who was to say he wouldn't do the same thing twice?

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