Chapter Eight (Final)

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As it turned out, the fact that Sam and Dean lied for a living in order to protect others seemed to have come in handy when it boiled down to Dean acting as the unsub. The agents had obtained a bottle of plain pain relief pills (which Dean wasn't very excited to take, even if they weren't harmful), and Sam had created and printed a fake label for the bottle that made the plain pills appear to be something stronger and more deadly. Dean nervously twirled the bottle around between his fingers as they had another discussion about how everything should play out. Although the entire thing sounded as though it was written by a person with a remarkably low intelligence, it wasn't as bad of a plan as one might have thought.

Putting it into action was something Dean had been dreading for what felt like a lifetime, but in reality was a little under two hours. Gideon sat beside him and calmly went over the plan. Oddly, faking his own death was something the "professional" demon/ghost hunter had not been expecting to do within his lifetime, and there were quite a few strange things he had to do over the course of his career. All that meant was that he had zero experience and would probably find a way to screw everything up, even with all the reassurance from his brother. There had been times when they pretended to be dead by simply being wept off the charts, but that didn't require actually acting out their deaths -- this was, honestly, a first for Dean Winchester. Luckily, Gideon broke it down into something even a toddler could comprehend, yet he himself was anxious.

Dean wasn't the only one who had to do something physical. The agents would have to hold back any of the cops who insisted on getting the pills out of Dean's system and make a valid excuse for doing so. Then there was "disposing" of his body in order to keep a live person away from the coroner. All of it was so fiercely illegal that they were facing losing their jobs and then some, which meant that everything was on the line. It wasn't a good idea in any way, but now that they knew what was really out there, they couldn't simply say the unsub escaped and leave every woman in the area fearing for their lives. Technically the unsub was dead, but they needed solid proof in the form of an actual person, which just so happened to be Dean Winchester.

Sam also grabbed one of Dean's fake IDs from the back of the Impala, shocking everyone with the contents of its trunk. He explained that there was a certain amount of precautions he and his brother had to take in a business such as monster hunting, and the weapons were indeed important. He also fished John Winchester's notebook out of the back and handed it to Reid. "I heard you read a lot," Sam said, placing the book in the doctor's hands. "This was my father's journal. If there's anything you're curious about regarding monsters, that's a sure fire place to find answers." Reid simply smiled and thanked him, tearing through the pages in mere seconds. Prentiss laughed at Sam's shocked expression and told him that Reid was probably the most intelligent person either of them had ever met, and that his reading skills almost made his name into a terrible pun. After that task was completed, they hid Dean and held a meeting where they told all of the officers who they were looking for and that they needed to put out a search for him. Sam had questions thrown at him for being seen with Dean, to which he pleaded innocence and replied, "I had no idea he was killing people, officers." It was with a stroke of good luck that they even believed him with a reply as racey as the younger brother's.

When it came down to the actual event, there was no practice and no more reassurance. They had Dean separated from the group while everyone awaited the signal that he had the bottle down. Castiel came into play at the end, momentarily pausing Dean's pulse when one of the officers in charge of the case managed to reach Dean's body. He was disappointed that they didn't catch the unsub in time to make him pay for what had happened to those women, especially since in a lot of cases death seems like such an easy punishment with little to no suffering. But in the end, the unsub was stopped, and that was what the officer cared about. When he offered to call the ambulance and have the man's body taken to the coroner for examination, Hotch stopped him and said it wouldn't be necessary. He grabbed the empty bottle and handed it to the officer, reading off the label Sam had produced to prove that there was no way Dean could have lived. Plus, they already had him identified, so there was really no reason to bring the body anywhere but a morgue. With another stroke of good luck, the officer agreed, and dropped everything.

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