Chapter Five

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"I just don't understand," Reid said, his voice on the verge of breaking from emotion; "Morgan is practically the polar opposite of what our unsub was looking for. Why the hell would he take Morgan?" He had begun pacing, twirling a pen around by its cap that he had disfigured a long while ago. Everyone watched as he silently expressed his worries and pain that were usually hidden under layers of "I'm fine". Derek Morgan was like his brother, and although Reid knew Morgan would find a way out (or they would come to his rescue), part of him couldn't cease from worrying. When the silence dragged on for a few seconds longer than anyone would prefer, Gideon spoke up to try and keep everyone from getting too low in spirits.

"The unsub chose Morgan because he was a threat," he said, ending with a sigh. "He's weak, obviously doesn't like getting his hands dirty where it's not needed. If anything we're one step closer." He offered Reid a small smile and lightly pat the younger agent's arm, leaving the room shortly thereafter. Everyone looked to Hotch who gazed above everyone's heads to get a glance at Sam and Dean, who both looked beyond tired. Sure, they were being fed and had the chance to sleep, but they had been cuffed all night and hadn't left their seats for just about as long. Hotch figured they were of no use, as did everyone else. That was true, at least until Reid recalled what Sam had said earlier, something about "knowing what had been killing the women". Reid systematically waited for everyone to head off for their hotel rooms, leaving him alone with the two brothers.

He carefully approached Sam and sat down directly in front of him, already mentally punishing himself for actually considering believing anything this man was about to speak of. "You--" he cut himself off to clear his throat and avoid eye contact, "you said you knew what has Morgan. Yet you also said monsters are real, so I'm inclined to ignore anything you say and assume that you're out of your mind, but I'm starting to feel a little desperate here." Sam watched Reid's lips move as he spoke, mesmerized by looking at something that wasn't whitewashed and still like the floor, or gray like the table. "So...I'll bite. What are we looking for?" His ears perked up and his entire mood lifted, his smile a clear indication of this.

"A Djinn is what's been kidnapping and murdering all those women," Sam replied excitedly, slowly at first, then hardly able to keep words from spilling out. "They take people and drain their blood, which is later consumed for energy, kind of like a vampire. They can also poison people and put them in a dream state that is oddly similar to this person's greatest wish. That dream state would feel like a lifetime to the victim." Dean halfheartedly nodded along as Sam spoke, but Reid sat almost without any kind of expression. "However, that poison could also kill them instantly depending on what the Djinn chooses as the dosage. The only ways for someone to wake up from one of the dreams is to commit suicide in it, or be injected with an antidote that Dean and I have -- except it's in our car. Not to mention, a Djinn's only weakness is either a fatal blow to the head or a silver blade dipped in lamb's blood -- which is also in our car."

"W-wait, did you say Djinn, like a Genie?" Reid questioned, repositioning himself in his seat. Sam nodded fiercely, hoping this could lead to his and Dean's release, in which they would then kill the Djinn themselves. "And you know for a fact that this creature is truly alive and not fictional?" Another nod, this time from both of the Winchester brothers. Reid tried his hardest to read the two men sitting in front of him, trying to analyze if they were lying again or if monsters were somehow real. Maybe it was his desperation to find Morgan, or perhaps it was something else that Reid couldn't quite think of at that moment, that led him to accept what Sam was saying as truth and let out a long, hopeless sigh. "Where would a Djinn keep its victims?" he asked after a second, rotating his chair around to grab his satchel and pull out the notebook from inside of it.

"They prefer dark places with a lot of space to hide. Uh, anything abandoned really," Dean replied before turning and smiling at his brother. "Not wherever that last chick was found, though. He knew you were onto him, that's why he stayed there. Catching one of your agents would put him more than just a few steps ahead of your entire team," he continued, almost sounding annoyed at the end. "And if it had just been left up to me and Sam -- if you goddamn profiling pricks never showed your ugly mugs -- we would have ganked this S.O.B a long time ago. But instead," he lifted his arms and made the chains of the cuffs around his wrists rattle, "we've had to sit here and deal with this." With little explanation, Reid actually found himself apologizing for the cuffs. "Then I guess it's settled: you should let us go so we can go find that bastard and fix this little issue."

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