Meet up disaster

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Nate put Kris on Stana's couch. He didn't care if he fell off the couch, he deserves it for being a jackass. Stana closed the door and walked up to Nate, wrapping her arms around his torso. He spun around.

"Thank you Nate."

"For what?"

"You know exactly what I'm thanking you for. So don't play dumb, Mr Fillion!!"

"Miss Katic, well I never! For your information, I don't play dumb. That's only your imagination playing with your perfect little mind of yours." Stana laughed.

" Haha yeah right!!" Laugh Stana.

Nate looked at Kris. "what we gonna do with him?"

"Dunno. But I don't wanna get close to him no mo-morrreee!" Cried Stana.

Nate wrapped her up in his embrace. "Don't worry, honey, I'll protect you. Now go and meet your parents and sister before you're late.

Stana smiled and kissed Nate on the cheek. "I'll be back soon." And walked over to the front door.

"Shall I make dinner for you?" Nate asked, with a hint of hesitation in his voice. Stana nodded her head and smiled.

"Stana! Over here!" Stana looked and saw Cheryl waving at her. She walked over to the table and sat down next to her sister.

"I've ordered your favourite, Stana." Told Stana's mother.

"Thanks mom." Smiled Stana.

"So tell us about work. Maybe about this certain co-worker u work with and have make-out sessions on live TV?" Teased Stana's father.

"Oh god Dad!!" Stana whisper-yelled in embarrassment.

"Is it that guy I saw at the studio? Tall man. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Very masculine." Thought Cheryl out loud.

"Yeah. That's Nathan Fillion, he portrayals Richard Castle in the show."

"Stana, I already know that." Stana looked up, shocked and bewildered. "I do watch the show." Cheryl giggles at Stana's reaction.

"Really?!?" Cheryl nods. "I might just say this, you and Nathan are so cute together!!" Stana's parents nod in agreement.

"Mom, dad, Cheryl, I'm married. I'm not the kind of girl who goes and cheats on her husband." Told Stana.

"We know that, honey. But do you really love Kris though? You don't hardly ever talk about him though. You are always talking about Nathan and how amazing he is and how he cares about you. It's sounds like you are falling in love with another man, but you don't wanna admit it because you are married. But are you happy in the marriage with Kris or not?" Explained Stana's mother. Stana thought for moment. Tears started to build up in her eyes. She tried to force them to stay in and not fall. But a few tears managed to fall down her cheeks. "Oh, pumpkin, come here." Replied Stana's mother as she opened her arms for her oldest daughter to hug her. Stana fell into her mother's embrace. Because even grown-up need their mother's embrace sometimes.

"What's going on, Stana?" her dad asks.

"Oh, dad. I don't know what to do anymore." Stana admitted.

"Oh no, what's Kris done to you?" Her mother asked.

"Stana, tell us. We're family. We'll help you." Encourage Cheryl. Stana smiled at her sister.

"Well, for some odd reason he starts bossing me around like I'm his servant. He abuses me when I don't do what he tells me to do. He's.... not the Kris I fell in love with and married. He's a new horrible monster." Stana explained.

"Oh my god!" Shouted Stanas mother.

"Right, this guy needs a good smack in the head!" Stanas father stood up, but Stana stopped him.

"No dad. Nate has sorted him out." Told Stana.

" tell us everything. " and Stana explained what Kris has started doing to her and how Nathan has saved her. Plus she kissed him and even told him she loves him. "He's the most important person in my life, that what if us being together ruins us or even the show!" Stana broke down again.

"Oh Stana, if you both love each other and you both think it can work, then risk it. Go for it. What's the harm it can do?" Stana's mother told then asked.

"It might ruin the show! If we broke up then not only our friendship will go up in the flames, but the show too. We won't be able to work together because of it all!" Stana cried out.

Suddenly, Stana's father gasped and Stana looked up. She followed her fathers stare and gasped too. There who just walked in was no other than Kris. Tears pricked Stanas eyes as she watched her husband talk and kiss another girls cheek. Unbelievable. Stana was frozen, but when she saw Kris walk into Remey's she spun around and started talking with her family. But a voice scared her as it echoed through the restaurant.

"STANA?" It was Kris. He walked up to the table of 4. "What are you doing here and who is this woman your with?" Kris asked as he pointed at Cheryl.

"Why hello there Kris, I'm here because I'm having lunch with my family. And if you don't mind, please leave us alone in p-" Stana stopped as she saw the furiousness begin to show on his face. He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and yanked her up. Stana yelped at the sudden action.

"I'm not leaving. You don't tell me what I can and can't do. Now you are gonna have lunch with me or else." Kris ordered as he held up a newspaper, Stana looked at it, puzzled, but then she saw it. Hidden under the newspaper, aiming at her. She screamed. Everyone looked in her direction. While Kris was busy looking around the restaurant, Stana took that chance to look towards her parents and she mouthed to them "call Nathan."  Her mother nodded, understanding her. She excused herself and quietly exited the restaurant in order to call her daughter's co-worker and best friend.

Meanwhile... In the restaurant....
Kris still had his grip on Stana's wrist. She could feel the bruise that was beginning to form. Tears were pricked in her eyes, threatening to fall. But Kris wasn't bothered about that, only the people who were watching, witnessing the attack the man is doing to be famous actress. Everyones mouths were dropped to the floor. Gobsmacked. Flabbergasted.

Kris turned to look at Stana, he saw the tears, he saw the pain in her eyes. He saw it all, but he didn't let go of her. His grip only tightened. "Ouch, ouch! Kris you're hurting me! Ouch!" Stana exclaimed painfully. But Kris still ignored her. "Kris! Let go of me!" Kris stared at her, his eyes throwing daggers at her.

"Shut up, bitch!" Kris yelled. Stana let out a small whimper of a sob.

"KRIS! LET. HER. GO. NOW!" yelled a familiar male voice. Everyone's heads turned to the door. There standing was no other than Nathan Fillion, glaring at Kris angrily. Behind him was Stana and Cheryls mother, hiding behind Nate. Nate walked closer to Kris. Kris was scared shitless, but he stood his ground and became man of steel.

"You, jerkpid, don't EVER tell me what to do! Got it, idiot?" Kris stood tall, so he was hovering over Nate. But Nate was not scared at all. He punch Kris. Kris staggered backwards, holding his nose where Nate just punch him. Kris had let go of Stana and so Nate grabbed her and put her behind him for protection.

"Give me her back!" Kris yelled as he spotted Stana behind Nate. But Nate shook his head. "Give me back my wife!!" Kris charged at them. Nate moved Stana out the way.

"Run. I'll keep him busy. Go!" Nate whispered to her. Stana nodded.

"Meet you at yours!" And she ran out the restaurant and headed to Nathan's house.

Finished at last! Comment, vote and share!! ♥♥
1302 words

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