Chapter 15

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Sara starts the day with an early morning jog, only for it to be ruined before it began. She spots Luna just outside of her apartment complex.

"Good morning, Martinez!" He says mockingly while he leans against a parked car with his arms crossed.

"Ugh! Is it?" She rolls her eyes.

"Still haven't reported to me."

"How do you know I have something to report, huh?"


"It ain't much. I've been spending time with Jonny. Just trying to earn his trust."

"Are you?"


"Earning his trust. Are you winning him over?"

"Wha-what are you insinuating?"

"Don't tell me you're the one falling for this punk, Martinez?"

"That is not what it's about." She assures him sternly after laughing sarcastically.

"Uh-huh. So, how are you earning his trust? Do tell me." He places his thumb and index finger on his chin, imitating interest.

She sighs deeply. "I dunno. We're just talking."

"Just talking. What about? Give me details." He demands.


"Do you remember what we went over last time? You are working undercover. Just do your fucking job," he warns as he walks off.

"Don't you fucking talk to me that way!" She yells back.

Luna has a way of always getting on her nerves, but usually she turns it around on him. Regardless, he's right. Martinez doesn't have the slightest clue as to what she doing. Her reality clouds when she sees Jonny even as simple as the thought of him. She's getting carried away and forgets her pending mission.

She can't breathe, it almost feels like asphyxiation. There's a strong urge that builds up inside and she needs to get away. She wants to run from the feelings and emotions that have just recently come to frighten her. Funny. Just when her wishing is fulfilled, she wishes for it to go away. Perhaps in different circumstances, she'd let it just be.

Sara drops her morning jog and instead calls her father. She'd rather escape her restless thoughts. Ivan has always been her ground figure. Despite his witty personality, he's always been a realist.


Hearing her father's voice puts her more at ease.


"Hey, Dad. How are you?"

"Mija. How are you? The case ain't over, is it?"

"No," she takes a pause after an exaggerated sigh. "I-It's not going how it's supposed to be. How I want it to be."

"What do you mean? How did you want to be?"

"I don't know. When I was first assigned to it, I didn't think I'd be going after Lupe. That hit hard, you know?"

"I know-"

"If that ain't enough, my partner is a complete dickhead. He's always on my ass telling me to do my job no matter the circumstances! The asshole is literally breathing down my neck and pressuring me! I feel like I'm stuck! Like I'm in between a rock and hard place! And I can't breathe!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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