His hurt

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I stand against the door frame admiring her womanly curves ,her voluptuous rounded behind more than a hand full ,her tan skin smooth upon her thick thighs that I so wish to run my hands over. My eyes cast over her slim waist that pinches in where I often hold her with my large hands that splay over her flat stomach and soft back. My god she's a vision. She stands in the mirror brushing her hands over her body ,her eyes holding a criticising look ,I bite down on my lip harshly ,my pyjama pants rising for the extent of my imagination involving her sweet body has me practically panting. She looks through the mirror with a look of utter shock when seeing me ,Her face seen in the glow of light through the window ,her hands instantly covering her body in which I so wish to see more of ,but I respect her too much ,she's damaged to a point of self hatred I can see it with the way she looks at herself ,although I see her in a completely different light ,a way in which I'm going to make her love herself.

I gasp and try to cover myself with my hands ,"oh my...",he speaks with a low tone of utter lust ,his body approaching mine with such smoothness in his walk. I look down ,my cheeks red and my body flushed for here I stand in barely anything but my underwear ,his hand holding a shirt in which he collected from the top of the dresser on his way to my heaving body ,"how long where you stood there",I say quietly full of embarrassment ,my hands in front of my bra and panties ,covering what little modesty I have. He licks his lips and smiles to the side of his mouth as if he holds out the shirt in a way that he wants to put it on for me ,"long enough to see how beautiful you are",he says tilting his head just to admire me all over again ,"up",he says instructing for me to lift my arms ,meaning that I'll have to reveal my underwear ,my cheeks blushing a vibrant red and my chest heaving for he's ever so close to me ,I slowly but surely lift up my arms over my head ,looking up at his trusting face as he slips the red shirt over my head and body ,touching my hips as he brings it down to cover my panties ,such a gentleman. My lips quiver for I realise just how undeserving I am of Michael ,a creation unknown for there's no other quite like him I'm sure. "It suits you",he says giggling as he plucks at the material of his large shirt upon my body as it acts as a dress ,his smile calming me in an instant for he completely makes me forget the fact that I was stood only seconds ago half naked before him and yet he still takes no notice of that and for my sake as I know how much he yearns for me ,I see it in his eyes and the way he moves his body. "Thank you" I whisper ,my hands confidently finding their way to the loose ponytail in his hair ,his curls messy atop his head in the cutest of ways ,I bring myself close to him ,standing on my tiptoes as I kiss the soft skin on his warm cheek ,cuddling him to me then as I rest my head in the crook of his neck,my hands touching his bare back ,gently dragging my fingertips over him softly. "Tonight was ...it was probably the best night I've ever had",I say quietly into his neck ,his hands squeezing me tightly to him by my waist. "You make me feel ...so happy",I say then for he deserves to know the impact in which he has upon me. I feel my feet lift from the floor then as he picks me up in his arms ,bending down to hold me just below my behind as I wrap my legs around his waist ,giggling softly in his ear as he places me on the bed gently ,his white smile seen glowing in the dark room as he chuckles to himself ,"I love seeing that smile",he says as he pokes my dimple making me giggle ,his body knelt next to mine as I lay on my side looking up at him ,"I've never liked anyone this much ...so soon",he admits as his smile fades the closer he gets to my face ,his voice becoming quieter the further he leans in. I sigh out at his admittance for it settles my heart. He climbs on top of me then ,his leg between mine as the other kneels beside me ,his lips slowly yet passionately kissing mine in a way that has me rising from the bed to hold onto him ,my hands gripping his shoulders before he pushes me down with the force of his powerful kiss ,my moans slipping through my lips involuntary for I can't help wanting to show him how good he makes me feel both mentally and physically. My hands slide from his shoulders down his stomach making him flinch and jerk with the way my nails drag gently over his skin so low on his body ,he moans rather highly into my mouth as the kiss deepens ,the more I touch him ,the rougher the kiss becomes as if we cannot stop. He pulls away then for the look in his eyes seems as if he could have me in any way he wishes ,although he respects me too much to do so although god knows I want him to ....just not yet ,"I'm sorry I just -I got carried away ,you're so-",he stutters as he looks down at me with a stunned face ,I touch his hot cheek ,hushing him with my understanding look ,"stop",I say shaking my head ,smiling up at him as I pull his face down to mine just to feel his lips once more before he lay next to me just looking at one another in disbelief for if someone told me weeks ago that I'd be laying in bed with this absolute god send of a man ,I'd think they where crazy. Our legs intertwine as we simply scope each others faces ,noticing that he hasn't taken his makeup off for I fail to see the lighter and darker tones of skin than paint his beautiful face ,I want to ask him but I feel it could trigger a sensitive topic. I then notice it on his neck in larger patches ,his shoulders also splashed with lighter patches of colour I trace my
Fingers over one particular pattern of 'white' ,the way he sighs telling me he knows what I'm looking at for he stops my hand by gripping my wrist gently in his large palm,"what is this?",I ask softly and quietly ,looking into his large ,deep brown eyes for I fear that I make him uncomfortable ,he gulps visibly as if holding back tears ,his eyes filled with sadness. "I can't control it ...it's catching up with me now",he says in a shaken voice as he holds out his patchy hands between us ,the speckles of skin a pale white but the majority of his hand black ,much darker than his face. "Does it hurt?",i ask out of pure interest ,he shakes his head and looks down ,"this does",he says pointing to a red area of skin by his nose ,the skin slightly disfigured but it simply adds to his other worldly beauty ,"the skin... that's vitiligo ...it's slowly taking away my melanin ,and this ,this is lupus...",he says sadly ,although I see it as all the more stunning ,his face a sculpture of perfection ,the uneven skin tones intriguing to say the least for there's something about it that pulls me closer to him. "It's disgusting I know",he says pulling the covers over himself to cover his body ,"no ,it's different ,it's beautiful",I say shaking my head ,his lips parting as he squints at me as if in confusion ,"yeah well a lot of people don't like different",he says shifting and getting comfortable ,our legs separating as he moves away slightly ,"well I happen to love different",I say truthfully ,He lay on his back ,his chest moving slowly up and down as he breathes peacefully ,bringing me in by my waist ,my leg draping over his lower body ,glueing myself to his side and laying my head on his firm chest for he needs to know just how much I appreciate him ,even if he has differences ,they simply make me want him more.

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