Love lathered hands

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Those soft ,manly hands brush over my legs , rubbing my thighs in such a sensitive place as wet passionate kisses are laid across my neck and chest ,hair tickling my skin making me spring me to life with every motion I feel upon my body. "Morning princess",his sweet morning call awakens my slumber , my hands cascading up and down his smooth back as he lay between my legs ,his hands never stopping their venture upon the skin of my thick thighs. "The hot showers running baby", he whispers against my neck hotly , my breathing shaky for I love the way he touches my body with such care , handling me like I could break , like that of a China doll. It's then that I hear the distant running of the shower , remembering exactly where he's taking me today , my heart falling deeper and deeper for him as if it's become a being of its own. "You gotta get ready now if you want to get to my place before dinner baby ,so move this beautiful body for me",he teases with sweet giggles as he trickles his fingers over my breasts , his eyes following his fingertips before they reach my glossy eyes that wake only for him. "Michael , can you ... can you shower with me?",I ask rather shyly even with how comfortable I am around him in my own skin , needing him with me at all times so I don't get lost in thought about the evil that follows me around  needing Michael's safety. His eyes light up , his lips being licked with the moistness of his sweet tasting tongue , "are you asking me or telling me?",he smirks as he kisses at my neck, my hands getting lost in his curly locks ,I moan inwardly as he suckles upon my sensitive flesh leaving raw marks with his Luscious lips. "Im begging you ,so neither of the above",I giggle as his light stubble tickles my face when he kisses upon my cheeks ever so sweetly. He slips out of the bed then from between my legs , his half naked form truly a magnificent sight , his slim body toned and muscular yet lean and tall , his manhood a constant bulge with its tremendous size that pleases me endlessly ,his skin silken caramel mixed with dark swirls of previous colour. His hands ride up my ankles as he pulls the sheets from my body, gripping them before he pulls me down the bed with a serious look on his face as if he means of lustful intent with me. "Are you gonna get up ,or am I gonna have to make you?",he deeply speaks in a voice nor tone I've ever heard from him before , as if he could have his way with me in an instant. "What if I don't?",I tease as I run my foot up the centre of his body , pressing it to his manhood as I lay back on my elbows  , his hands holding a tight grip around my
Calves now as he pulls me
Closer with a challenging look scribing his angelic features , my legs open around his body as he bends up my knees and drags me harshly against him up the bed so that my womanhood makes direct contact with the erection in his underwear with the rather high height of the bed. "I would listen to me , I am in charge after all , remember?",he smiles cockily as he scoops me up from under my back , lifting me up from the bed against his body so that my legs wrap around his slim hips , my domain throbbing as it rubs against him as he carries me strongly to the bathroom. "I like this Michael , he's dominant and sexy",I giggle as he places me on the sinks countertop ,standing between my legs as he hooks his fingers around my thong to undress me , the room steamy with the heat of the running shower ,"so I'm not sexy when I don't tell you how it is?",he falsely pouts , "you're always sexy , you know you are",I say biting my lip as he winks at me for he knows just what I think of him , "are you gonna tell me what to do when I'm staying at yours?",I giggle jokingly as I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts my behind slightly to remove my thong naturally ,lifting my leg to pull it from my ankle. "No baby, I'm gonna treat you like a princess , I'm gonna have royalty sleeping in my bed ... as well as having you writhe upon it as I do what I've been yearning for since the first day in Amsterdam", he moans in frustration as he looks at my womanhood then back up to my eyes. "And what's that?",I question although I already know for I've been needing it to. "Pleasing this beautiful pussy In any way you want me to baby",he moans as I hop down from the sink ,sliding against his body in the process before I teasingly walk to the shower , biting my lip as I look back at him ,"why wait?",I whimper as I step beneath the hot water , his hands soon felt against me ,lathered in soap and love to cleanse what he owns , my body.

The roads remain deserted and clear of any other vehicle as the journey to Michael's lasts for what seems like forever , my bags packed and ready to be laid out in his closet for my stay with him will be one of lengthy or so I hope. "Did you call Millie before we left?",he asks invading the silence and subtle music playing on the stereo , "yeah , her boyfriend is staying over for a few days just to see if Rodriguez comes back",I speak as I fiddle with my fingers , a nervous habit as I anxiously look to see if we're being followed,knowing that we aren't but my head won't seem to let me get a grip. "That's good",he nods as he drives steadily upon the country roads , the heat soaring. "Baby stop thinking about him , you're gonna be okay , you're with me he won't get to you this way",he speaks as he places a hand upon my knee when noticing my nervous shifting ,I grab his hand with mine and squeeze it tightly ,looking to the side of his sweet face ,"I know Michael, I trust you , you make me feel safe always",I sigh as I relax in the leather passenger seat of his expensive car ,"always baby , it's my duty to protect you",he assures me , the back of his hand gently brushing over my cheek ,a sweet notion of his love. "So Michael ... is your house as flashy as your car?",I ask with a small smile , changing the subject to lessen my worries. "You'll have to see ,I mean it's a fairly new house since I moved here not long ago and you're the first girl to step foot in it that isn't my mother nor sister",he giggles with a slight blush in his pink cheeks , biting my lip at his revelation ,"so you mean , I'm gonna be the first girl in your new house ? ... in your shower? , your bed?",I ask with only thoughts of sexual intent , noticing how he licks his lips as he glares at the road although dying to look upon me. "Yes baby , and I plan to make good use of the bed and shower ... and every room"...

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