Chapter Six - Interrupted Romance

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Earlier comments on this chapter has been deleted as they would not make any sense with the revised version of 'Tere Liye'. Just a note to old readers, those comments are still very special for me and I have them stored with me to cherish forever. I just don't want any confusion for new readers.

Hope you enjoy! :)


"Arnavji, how could you do that?" 

Khushi whined as Arnav pulled her in his arms, tucking her close.

"Do you know how embarrassed I was? Everyone was laughing!" She complained, her small nose and ears still red from the teasing she just got after announcing at the table that she was done - all while trying but failing to hide a smile.

"I have been calling you like this the whole day. You must have gave away that this time I called you for something else. That's not my fault." Arnav replied in nonchalance as his mind racked with another thought. His eyes trailed from her eyes to her lips, creating a sudden self-consciousness in her.

"And as it is, I haven't even had five minutes alone with you today. Either Di or Payal or Laxmi, someone just had to tag along with us and you're scolding me, Khushi? Not fair."

She opened her mouth but then stood in daze as he reached to peck her lips with a sudden desperation, causing her to shut her eyes and hold on to him for dear life. His lips soon trailed from the corner of her mouth to her jaw and downwards till it rested on her neck. She gasped, tugging at his shirt as he placed a kiss there before hiding his face in the crook of her neck.

"I missed you." He said, almost whined as he held her tighter as if fearing someone will take her away again. 

With her earlier stupor clearing up at his muffled voice against her skin, Khushi smiled. Her hands slide up and wrapped around his neck as she inched closer to his ears. 

"Me too." She whispered before closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulder with warmth surging within her. It was indeed hard today because despite being together the whole time, they barely had time to talk to each other.  Everyone were swarming around them and though she did not blame them because they were just worried about her health, she hoped they would let them be for some time. 

She unwrapped her arms from his neck a while later when he started pulling back and stared at him as he smiled.

"Khushi, I," He started, holding her hands, "I need to tell you something." 

Confusion fused in her eyes as he looked somewhat nervous. Nonetheless, she bobbed her head, signaling him to continue. But the second he opened his mouth, they heard a knock on the door, followed by HP's voice informing them that Naniji had called Khushiji. 

Khushi looked at the closed door, then, once she heard the retreating steps of HP, looked back at Arnav, guilt seeping in her hazel eyes as he closed his eyes and muttered something under this breath which sounded like a swear.


"It's okay, Khushi." Arnav said, cutting her off as he opened his eyes and forced a smile on his face not wanting her to feel bad.

"Just come back soon." He added, placing another kiss on her forehead before giving her a slight push towards the door.

Khushi smiled. "I promise."

That promise was probably the only promise she couldn't keep. Naniji had called her and Jiji to give them some ancestral jewelry she ought to give long ago but forgot in the stir of emotions after all that happened. 

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