Chapter Eighteen - A Prank

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It's been a week since Arnav returned home from his futile search for Khushi, one week since he believed that Khushi is no more, and one week since the family last saw the traces of their Arnav in this now stranger - who simply seemed like a doppelganger of Arnav, for he shared nothing common with latter.

It was a shock, in fact beyond shocking for the whole family to see such drastic changes in their Arnav. For instance, the Arnav who couldn't even spend a single minute without his Khushi was now leading a normal life in her absence or as he termed it, after her death.

The search for Khushi had been stopped and Arnav didn't even bother to try again. He seemed happy, caring less about the possibility that Khushi might still be out there, waiting and calling for him. This was how much he had distanced himself from her in mere days, much to the horror of his family, again.

It was true that they never wanted him to deteriorate his health in search of Khushi. They had begged him to stop his frantic searches but now, as they were looking at the Arnav who forgot all about the girl he claimed to have loved, they couldn't wish for anything more than to see him run around like a maniac again in the same search, for at least that crazy Arnav did not seem like a stranger to them.

Unwilling to grasp the fact that Arnav might ever actually forget his Khushi, Anjali and Akash had tried umpteen of times to bring Khushi and her memories in every conversation, needing to see a reaction from him. He would become emotional but just as they would rejoice at seeing their old Arnav, he would prove them wrong by seeking solace in Sheetal's consolations.


The mere mention of her name churned their stomach unpleasantly, bringing a bitter taste in their mouths for this girl was just another paradox for them. Gone was the introverted girl who would hesitate to even participate in their family conversations and all that was here was just a nuisance who got the freedom to intervene in every single matters of the same family, by none other than Arnav. 

She was his friend since the beginning but it was just now that their friendship started showing all its colors. Hanging out together, staying awake till late whilst playing with Aarav, accompanying Aarav to parks, taking him to movies - all of which became a shared daily routine for Arnav and Sheetal in just a week.

In short, they were both happy. Arnav in fact seemed like he cared about no one else when he was with Sheetal and that was something unacceptable for the rest of his family members. They found his behavior denigrating as well as incredulous. It was highly disrespectful, they felt, for Khushi who even if was actually no more, at least deserved a proper mourning from her husband whom she loved with her dear heart for as long as she was alive.

But alas..

Neither she seemed to be getting the respect she deserves, nor was anyone successful in bringing Arnav back to his senses. Even the Guptas, who thought so high of him, accepted defeat against his barbaric behavior with a broken heart and traveled back to Lucknow, stating that they would want to mourn properly for their lost and not have their sorrow tainted by whatever disgrace was taking place here.

With a heavy heart, they had then thanked the Raizadas for their consideration to Khushi before leaving the city, cursing themselves for even returning here from the healing camp for the welcome they got, ended up scarring them even more.


"Sheetal, I hope you've well prepared your presentation for today. The foreign delegates will be here soon for the meeting." Swallowing the chunk of toast, Arnav spoke up.

Sheetal smiled, nodding in pride at herself. "Trust me, by the end of this meeting, they'll be dying to strike the deal with us."

Arnav's lips stretched into a reciprocating grin. "I trust you. I know you'll do a wonderful job, like always."

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