Chapter Ten - Rising Doubts

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Earlier comments on this chapter has been deleted as they would not make any sense with the revised version of 'Tere Liye'. Just a note to old readers, those comments are still very special for me and I have them stored with me to cherish forever. I just don't want any confusion for new readers.

Hope you enjoy! :)


"So, how was your day today?" 

As she sat in front of the mirror combing her damp hair, the question escaped her mouth in a casual tone. She stared at Arnav's reflection whilst he laid on the bed, seemingly tired from his day.

"Same usual thing. Meetings, then shoot, then again meetings." Arnav said, his tone dry and drowsy as he directed his drooping eyes towards his wife. "Are you done? Come on, I'm sleepy."

A line appeared on between Khushi's eyebrows as she scrutinized him for a second before moving her head in a slight nod. She kept the brush aside on the dressing table and slowly went and laid on her side of the bed, the pensiveness never leaving her face.

Arnav held her the second she came close and keeping her head on his chest, he reached to dim the lights so he could finally rest his eyes. Indeed today had been like any other day but owing to the associate he had meeting with, the tiredness evolved mostly from irritation. That man who goes by the name of Mr. Mehra, was truly a lover of joy and friendliness for he wasted almost an hour in jokes and laughter before finally getting to the point. On top of that, the fact that all this drama was in a public setting and not in the confinements of his office, was embarrassing enough.

Apparently Mr. Mehra believed best deals were made in jovial atmosphere and the atmosphere in his office was too stiff with formality and robotic working methods.

His lips formed a smile as he imagined Khushi's reaction to this story. She would literally roll on the bed with laughter and as much as he wanted to hear those giggles, he also needed few hours of rest. Thus, he postponed his plan to narrate it to her. But little did he know that the few minutes it would have taken him to tell his wife about the incident, would have saved her from a whole night of overthinking. 

The night grew darker and darker but Khushi still couldn't sleep. All that she could think about was Arnav and Sheetal in that cafe, laughing and holding hands. The image nagged her and at some point she had sat upright on the bed with the intention of demanding Arnav the answers as to why he was lying to her. But as she saw his serene face drifted into a peaceful sleep, she started having second thoughts. 

She felt the earlier storm in her enfeebling at the sight of him and soon after, a pang of guilt followed. 

What was she doing?

It's been just two days ago since he kept his heart right in front of her, letting her see the deepest secrets of his fears that he kept hidden from everyone. He trusted her, so much that he didn't hesitate whilst he was offering her the story of his life like an open book, without any fear of being judged. He loved her and he didn't miss any chance to show her that and now, despite of all that, she was here overthinking about such a minor matter?

She dragged her legs under herself and felt like punching herself in the face or rather just bang her head on the wall in the hope of straightening her crooked mind. 

They were just at a restaurant, what was the big deal in it?

That he lied about it?

The devil at the back of her mind replied and she shook her head vehemently before the doubts could get to her again. 

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