Chapter 7

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Eliza quickly swiped on a hint of pink lipstick, smoothing her dress down one last time. She adjusted her ponytail on the way out the door of her apartment, grabbing her keys as she walked past. As she walked down the hall she pulled her jacket on, checking her phone one last time to make sure that Peggy hadn't texted her.

After a day of contemplation, Eliza had decided to try her best to give her date a chance. Peggy had assured her that the woman was an amazing person, and who was Eliza to not trust her little sister.

The cold nipped at her cheeks as she walked down the cold street to the subway station. She ran down the stairs, quickly sliding her Metro card and rushing to the platform. She tapped her feet to the platform, waiting for the train to arrive.

Originally she and her mystery date had planned to go for ice cream but, through their conversations through Peggy, they had decided that it would be better to get dinner and than go  see a movie, a new action superhero thing.

Bright lights shown from within the tunnel as the train sped to the station. There were only three  other people on the car when she got on, a father and son and a woman sitting by herself. Eliza quickly nabbed the seat by the woman, putting her purse by her feet. It was a long ride, about thirty-five minutes. So she had plenty of time to make herself comfortable, and maybe have a conversation with a stranger.

Eliza was well aware how obnoxious it was to talk to strangers, but the woman didn't seem like she didnt want to talk.

"Hey," Eliza said.


"Sorry if I'm being annoying, talking to you."

"No, it's fine," the woman said, "I don't really have anything better to do."

"So what's your name? I'm Eliza."

"My name's Maria."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Eliza stuck out her hand for the woman, who gently shook it.

"So we're not soulmates."

"Soulmates don't really matter now, do they?"

"I guess," Maria said, shrugging.

"So where are you going?" Eliza asked.

"Actually, I'm going on a blind date right now. It's a funny story really. My coworker set me up with her sister." A realization dawned on Eliza.

"Is your coworker named Peggy by any chance?"

"Yeah. How'd you know that?"

"I'm Peggy's sister."


"Yes! See?" Eliza pulled out her phone, and found her texts to her sister. "I'll text Peggy right now."

e.sch: Is my date named Maria by chance

pegs: yeah...

e.sch: I just met her on the train

pegs: no

pegs: really?

e.sch: yeah

pegs: woah. Do you like her ;)

e.sch: 1, yes I do, and 2 she's sitting next to me so I couldn't say differently even if I wanted

pegs: well tell her I said hi

pegs: have fun on your date

e.sch: I will

pegs: bye! Love ya

The pair talked together for the next few minutes, laughing and telling each other everything. They hit it off so easily, Eliza had a hard time believing that Maria wasn't her soulmate. When they got to their station, they nearly forgot to get off they were so busy chatting. But slowly they made their way out of the station, walking down the frigid road arm in arm to the restaurant.

They sat at a table in the back, pushed up in the corner. A little red candle sat in the center of the table, casting a flickering red light across everything in it's wake.

"It's pretty warm in here." Maria said. Eliza had learned that her full name was Maria Lewis, and that she'd recently broken up with her long-term boyfriend. She'd clammed up their, and quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah." Maria slowly slid off her coat, and that's when Eliza saw it. The big red splotch running down her arm. Her soulmark. Where she had brushed someone.

"Oh, so you've found your soulmate," Eliza said playfully, gesturing towards the red on Maria's arm.

"That's a funny story actually. I was at a club about two years ago, not really paying attention to much anything. As soon as I got home, bam. There it was. I've kind of given up on finding my soulmate at this point." Eliza's breath caught in her throat. She'd known that Maria looked familiar, but she'd just ignored it. But it all made sense now. Her date was the mysterious Lady M, the much dreamt about but never seen Ophelia.

"That's unfortunate," Eliza said, laughing, "but at least now you can date around and not really have to worry about finding your one true love."

"Yeah, that is nice." But all Eliza could think about was how she must have brushed into Maria as she was leaving. And now she was face to face with her soulmate, and she had no idea what to do. But maybe she could make her soulmate love her without knowing that she was her soulmate, right? All that crap about true love and whatnot.

That's what she would do, she would make Maria love her.

Because Maria was her soulmate, and soulmates were always perfect for each other.

She hoped.

She just had to prove it.

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