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You can't escape. It begins with an innocent click, which then leads to hours, hours of wasted time. You come away knowing the science behind making shampoo as well as how to braid a towel into a scrunchy. In between those two, you learn about the digestive system and watch twenty music videos. You finally end on that ten hour video of the same three notes on repeat played on a saxophone, simply because you want to see how far you can get through it before you brain turns to mush. This...this is known as the YouTube hole. Also known as me trying to avoid homework.

Now quite often, I go on YouTube to look up how to work through a math problem, which then turns into how to cheat on this math problem because I didn't understand it the first time. This leads to wondering who the first cheater was, and why they cheated on their spouse when they were probably a great person. Now the Bible is relevant to my search because come on people, those people were far from innocent.

I love YouTube, it's a magical place of trickshots, bottle flips, pimple popping, and John Green. Some of my favorite YouTubers are the ones I can relate to. Most of the time they have ADHD and sometime do segments on it. I strive to be like them, but mom apparently believes that's a waste of time. She hasn't discovered Wattpad yet, so I'll let her continue to believe I'm reading actual books on my kindle.

This summer has been an adventure, and not in a good way. Sure I've gone a couple places and traveled, but it's mainly been YouTube dominating my life. I was once on YouTube for so long one day, my kindle died, recharged, died, and then decided it didn't want to put up with me and went on a strike. Goodness, technology these days is so ungrateful. I give it love and affection, and it returns it with deleting some of my amazing selfies, and using autocorrect to embarrass me even more then I would have done naturally. I did not want to search porpoises on YouTube, but suddenly I'm watching birth videos of porpoises instead of watching Porsches race.

My sister and I have wanted to start a YouTube channel for over a year now, and we finally found our video camera! Of course, now we need to find the charging cord to it, so this channel has no hope of starting for at least another two years, and by then I have plans with my life. We were brainstorming some ideas a few weeks ago, and came up with some weird ones.

Talk about my funny parts of the day.
Emily making the garbage can with her gum from the balcony.
Going all mission impossible to find the chocolate mom hid. Brain dump.
Sarcasm plus.
Having no motivation to write that paper on motivation. My goats eating my hair.
Doing mission impossible throughout the school with Anna. Kerstyn and her foot.
Middle child syndrome. Talk about Abby baby stories, me being middle child.
Talk about my irrational fear of ice cream trucks when I was little.
Talk about strange habits, i.e. sniffing all dishes before using them.
Explain some weird bits about me.
Talk about us dealing with trespassers.
Dealing with parents
Dealing with siblings
Dealing with school.
Maybe some singing if I get brave enough
Have "tutorials" and totally purposely fail them. Like drawing and I draw a stick figure.
How to do homework, motivation. Don't. Rip it up and walk away.
Have a whole episode of just me reading a book silently.
Have a meet the chickens episode, show them my chickens and love my chickens and my chickens.
Sneak my camera to girls camp and show them the hidden secrets of nothing secret because literally everyone shares every thing about girls camp.
Show them where I hide the bodies
Have a child tell a story.
Do some more mission impossible
Milk meh goats
Love meh goats
Be the goats....
Go shooting
More mission impossible
Cook up something possibly toxic
Do the runny slidy jumpy thing on the huge pillow with Emily.
Go sledding, but like totally reenact the deadly day two years ago that that jump that almost killed me.
San Fran
Therapy bit
Fashion degrading gone wrong
Oldies music in every video
Fencing fight
Hot cross buns epic piano
Talk about my love for boxes
Having us find Izaak's chocolate stash
Build blanket forts
Read the first steps with letters ABC
film our day
Music episode
Wagon surfing
Bina walking/triping
Have fun with Alexa
Video diary
Act like preschoolers
How to dance like a white girl....

To name a few....yeah, me and my sister are weird. I literally wrote down the first things that popped into my head, and building blanket forts was one of them. I watched a few videos on how to start your YouTube channel, and they are all pretty boring, so I'll just figure it out by pushing a lot of buttons. It seems to get me places easily enough. Most of those videos go off about collaborations, but who wants to meet with other people!?! Plus, I'm in love with the YouTubers I'd ever want to collaborate with, which would only end really really badly... I'm not very good at the whole flirting thing...that's a story for another time.

The moral of the story, if you want to start your own YouTube channel, don't do it with two ADHD girls, because we aren't getting anywhere any time soon. And if you have things to do, go into YouTube with only that on your mind so you can escape. Apparently this works for some people. Not me, but some people. I don't know how, but whatever, that's their problem.

Now I'll leave you guys, with chapter, I have a whole YouTube to explore for conspiracy theories!

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