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"How was my soulmate's first day making bank?" Florence's called out loudly as soon as she walked in the door, slamming it loudly behind her as she entered the apartment.

I laughed loudly, adjusting the blanket draped across my legs, the ice cream bowl in my lap tipping slightly as I sat up.

"Okay, first of all I was not making bank by any means. Second of all, it went fine. I made friends."

Florence sat next to me, sighing dramatically as she sulked, "Lucky. I'm pretty sure I screwed up the whole presentation. Also, to top off the tragic event that is my whole life, tomorrow is my day to go to the Personalization Facility."

I paused what I was watching and gave her my full attention, "Your year is already up?"

"Every November." She spoke, trying to grab the spoon from my bowl and eat some ice cream. I let out a small hum, handing her the rest.

"If you want I can go with you again like last time. I know it sucks, the whole process and all."

She gave me a look, hesitating before shovelling the snack into her mouth, speaking around it afterwards, "Don't you work tomorrow?"

I nodded, a small shrug leaving my shoulders, "Yes, but after work we can go."

She nodded, turning her attention back to the wall with the show being projected onto it, tapping on my phone quickly so it would continue playing as she ate the food in her lap.

My eyes were glued to the screen but I couldn't really focus on the marathon I was having anymore. The Personalization Facility was only a yearly thing, but it was ridiculous. I mean, it did it's job, no doubt about that. Only, the process was absolutely not worth it at all. I never really knew what to expect during my yearly visit, or when I went with Florence, but all we could do was hope it went by smoothly. All anyone could ever do was hope.


After a long day of Lauren teaching me the ins and outs of the office, and how the dreaded sixth floor is to be avoided at all times unless I want a full lesson on how lighting affects every single color on the spectrum differently, I was in the car on the way to pick up Florence. We had agreed to just go straight to the facility after work, not stalling any longer than necessary. 

As soon as I parked outside her work, I rolled down the windows, a cool breeze filling my car. I drummed my fingers on the wheel as I waited, music playing through the control module and from the speakers around me.

The blond had sent me a text five minutes prior to me pulling up, explaining that she was already on her way down to the first floor. After a moment of scanning the exit for her, I had received a message from a group chat the girls from my office added me into, a long string of messages appearing on my screen.

From: The Most Fab Girls on Floor Seven

I laughed at the group name, tapping the message thread quickly.

Zoe: Guys, I have absolute top notch gossip to share with you all.

Lo: And what would that be Zo?

Alice: Seriously, I was just about to start my binge-watching session. Could we make this quick?

I quickly typed back a response, hearing footsteps nearing my car.

Alice, I relate one hundred percent.

The message delivered and I locked my phone, sliding it back onto the small holder I had next to the wheel before the passenger door swung opened, revealing a glum looking Florence.

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