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It was rainy the next day, and I had barely made it to my office before James waltzed in.

"So, you're a heartthrob kinda girl, huh?" He joked, referring to the night before.

"Let it go, Fletcher." I replied, calling him by his last name.

"Ouch, now you aren't even using my first name. Should I start calling you Dowland?" He pouted, slipping into the desk chair next to mine as he put a hand to his chest mockingly.

After the plan had been discussed between the four of us, James and Lauren left, leaving Florence and I to sort out all our feelings on the situation. Clearly, we were both terrified, but we had a plan. That's what mattered.

"No, I'll never speak to you again." I laughed as I took my jacket off. He grinned up at me.

"I actually have a real reason to bother you this time, are you surprised?"

He ran a hand through his hair casually as I sat down next to him, nodding.

"Oh, definitely. What's up?"

"Well," He started, looking excited as he leaned in a bit closer, "I got a call and I have to go in to get my stick checked out."

I turned towards him, completely forgetting about my laptop.

"Oh my god." I said, worry lacing my words. James nodded.

"Yeah, I know. So it's a good thing we all know the ins and outs of this plan because I think it may have to happen when I go in."

My heart dropped. This was all happening too fast. I wasn't ready, although I knew I probably wouldn't ever be when it came down to this situation.

"When is it happening?" I questioned, hearing the door to the office open as Lauren walked in.

"Tomorrow." His words left me feeling panicked, knowing this would have to happen and there was no way to avoid it. This was happening.

"Mia, there's someone who want's to talk to you." The dark haired girl spoke up, giving me a worried expression. I raised my eyebrows at her reaction, confused.

"He's outside." She nodded towards the door, giving me a sympathetic look. I made my way out, not really knowing who to expect.

I was met with the last person I wanted to see, leaning against the wall with an annoying look on his face.

"Blake, what do you want?" I snapped, deciding that he didn't deserve to be treated with a nice attitude anymore.

"Not a very generous way to talk to someone who could potentially get you and your little friend arrested." He said smugly, making panic shoot through every inch of my body.

Play it cool, I thought to myself. He knows nothing. How could he?

"Excuse me?" I asked, the attitude not leaving my voice as I let out a bitter laugh.

I leaned against the wall closest to me, staring him down. Ha, two could play at this game.

"I'm not stupid, Mia." He said harshly.

"That's debatable." I said without really thinking, watching as he glared.

"I know about your little blonde friend spying on a confidential phone call, and I know about you knowing too."

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