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"Mia, when I said take a break and come back to it later, I didn't exactly mean leave for the rest of the night." Lauren joked, throwing a piece of candy up into the air before catching it in her mouth.

We were back in our office, and I hadn't seen her since the previous day.

She leaned back in her chair before crossing her legs on top of her desk. I hadn't said a word to anyone about leaving with James the previous night, and I debated whether I should tell her or not.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just lost track of time." I explained, uploading the photos from yesterday onto my laptop. I looked over to see her catching another candy before sitting up normally again.

"What's that?"

She was staring at my screen, head tilted slightly. I looked back and saw the photos James and I took had popped up. I felt myself blush, closing the tab before anyone else could see it.

"It's... uh... what made me lose track of time."

A smirk had made it's way onto Lauren's face and I gave her a questionable look before explaining, "Calm down. We just took some photos."

"Oh, for sure," She replied, the smirk not leaving her face as she moved back to her desk, starting to work again. I chuckled, opening up the photos again before my phone vibrated. I slipped it out of my pocket, biting my lip as I read the message.

James La Gemini: Fancy getting some lunch?

I remembered him asking me for my number in the car on the way home, claiming he was still worried about me after almost letting me fall an entire fifty foot drop. I smiled and typed back a reply.

Sure, where should I meet you?

Maybe getting lunch wouldn't be such a bad idea. We probably wouldn't mention yesterday, but it gave us a chance to get to know each other more, and that was never a bad thing. He already seemed nice from what I could tell. I looked down again, his message appearing.

James La Gemini: Canteen. I'm wearing a blue shirt.

"I'm taking my break. Don't worry, I'll be back." I said to Lauren, her ownly response being a wave as she dove into her work. I nodded to myself before exiting the room, walking towards the elevators.

As soon as the doors opened, I was met with none other than Blake. He was leaning against the wall, tapping away at his phone. I looked at the ground and stepped inside, still recalling the last time we were in this elevator.

"Oh, Mia," His voice sounded strained, as if he had been talking loudly for a long time and it finally decided to give up on him, "How are you?"

I saw that the button for the fifth floor had been selected. I shrugged, trying to ignore the automatic voice that announced each level we passed while looking at Blake, "I've been fine. You?"

"Yep, I've been great." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, and I didn't understand why we suddenly had tension surrounding us.

"Awesome." I said, looking towards the floor after the words had left my mouth.

The animated elevator voice broke the tension, "Fifth floor, Welcome to the Canteen Area of Haven Co."

If a marathon was being held outside of that elevator, I would have been the winner. I got out so fast I was surprised I didn't trip. Completely ignoring the fact that I didn't say goodbye to the tall blond, I made my way towards the booths, eyes searching for any blue shirt in sight.

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