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Hello everyone, I am back with Chapter 8 of The Summer I Fell in Love. Thank you to all who have taken the time to read my work, it means more to me than you know. Special thanks to MysteriousMiss98 for the support and feedback. If you are a fan of Nick and Jordan fiction, be sure to check out her work. Remember, please RATE, REVIEW, and FOLLOW if you like what you're reading.

Jordan's POV:

I never get tired of waking up in Nick's bungalow, enveloped in his arms. I am laying on my side, with my head against his bare chest, and arms wrapped around him. I bring my left hand closer to me, just so I can make sure that my lovely engagement ring is still there. Sure enough, there it was, just as Nick put it on my finger the night before. I was still in shock that the man of my dreams asked me to marry him last night. We had shared such a beautiful evening together, and with him proposing with the ring that I had pointed out to him over a month ago truly topped it all off.

I look up at Nick's sleeping form, and I am truly in awe of him. His dark brown hair was slightly disheveled, his muscular chest moving up and down as he took each breath was hypnotising. I could never tire of watching him simply be human. As I continued to look at him, I began to miss his voice, and decided to see if I could wake him up. I place soft, delicate, kisses on his shoulder, leading up to his neck, and then up to his cheeks and lips. By then, his beautiful brown eyes begin to open, and look straight into my glass, grey eyes.

"Good morning, love." He said as he yawned.

"Good morning my handsome fiancee."

He looks at me lazily and give me a gentle good morning kiss. His lips suddenly begin to graze my cheeks, making his way down to my neck, where he buries his head to keep his eyes from being blinded by the sun slipping in through the curtains.

"Nicky, darling, it's almost 8 o'clock. You have to work today, remember?"

"Oh honey I know, I'm just so tired. You really wore me out last night."

My cheeks turn a bright shade of crimson, as I recall our night of passion following our engagement.

I playfully swat his chest and say, "Oh darling, stop it!"

Nick winks at me and plants a kiss on my forehead. I face him and bury myself into him. I put my face into the crook of his neck, and faintly smell my perfume. I smiled to myself at the thought of that, because I have imprinted myself on him. He was mine, and I was his. We belonged to each other, and that's how it was going to be for the rest of our lives.

After a few more minutes enjoying each other's company in bed, we begin our morning routines. Ever since Nick and I started going together, I kept some of my things at his house. We would start off our morning the same way we did everyday. He would stand at the sink and shave, as I would sit at the dressing table and apply my makeup. I found a nice cream colored ensemble for me to wear and make my way downstairs.

Even though I love the finer things in life, Nick's bungalow is truly heaven for me. It is so cozy and warm, and sharing it with the man I love made me adore it even more. I head into the kitchen, and make Nick and I some coffee and eggs before he had to go to work. I slipped on an apron, and began to laugh. 'Jordan, look at you. You have become the domestic women that you swore you would never become.'

I set the table and put down Nick's breakfast on the table. Just like clockwork, I hear Nick come down the stairs as I am pouring the coffee.

"Look at my cute girl, making me breakfast. You are truly amazing, Miss. Baker."

He comes over to me and pulls me into an embrace and kisses me on the lips.

"I won't be Miss. Baker for much longer!" I say to him, looking up at him lovingly.

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