Rekindling the Flame

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Hello, everyone! I am back with Chapter 16 of The Summer I Fell in Love. I have been loving thinking of ideas for new chapters and stories, as always, if you have any suggestions, leave me a comment, or send me a message. As always, if you like what you read, remember to RATE, REVIEW, and FOLLOW. Enjoy!

Nick's POV:

The bitter winter days that the month of March brought, were soon ushered out by the lovely spring months of April and May. The snow had completely melted, the sun was shining brighter, and life at the Carraway household was nothing but wonderful. It was about one in the afternoon, and I was finishing up my latest writing piece, when I look out the bay window above my desk. All I can see is the sun shining down on the bay, and the bright green lawn of our backyard soaking up the sunlight. I look over to the left, and a smile comes to my face. There's Jordan, tucked in the shade, underneath a tree. She has a blanket spread out, and Catherine laying down on that blanket. It truly warmed my heart to see such fondness between a mother and a daughter.

Deciding that I had enough writing time for one day, I decided to see what my beautiful, little family was up to.

Opening the door and making my way towards then, I took a minute and just gazed at my wife. Although her eyes were covered up by her petite, round sunglasses, she was wearing the most beautiful smile. I could see that she was babbling to Catherine about something. Seeing her so happy made me incredibly happy.

I was about three or four paces from her when she looked up and noticed me.

"Oh my, Catherine, looks like Daddy is joining us!" Jordan cooed at our daughter. Before we had Catherine, I never pictured Jordan using such a tone of voice. Now that she was, it made me incredibly happy, and was cute to see her act so affectionately towards our baby girl.

"Well, I saw my two favorite girls from the window of my study, and it looked like I was missing out on a good time."

I sat down next to Jordan on the blanket, linking my hands with hers. I placed a kiss on her temple; "How are you doing today, love?"

She leaned forward and kissed me; "Well, today's been going just fine, right sweet baby?" She said as she looked adoringly at Catherine.

"Catherine slept so well last night, and was hardly fussy when I put her down for her nap at eleven this morning. I even got to practice hitting some golf balls while she slept. I thought we could both enjoy this beautiful day, and I would bring her outside. But, our day has gotten even better now that Daddy has joined us."

She kissed my lips, and snuggled up closer to me. Nothing was better than spending quality time together as a family.

Jordan's POV:

As I was snuggled up to Nick, the most beautiful sea breeze came off the bay. It was so peaceful out here. Who would have thought after all of the drama the had ensued last summer, we would find our own little personal heaven out here in Long Island.

Having Nick close to me, and having his arms around me felt great, partially because we haven't gotten much alone time as a couple since Catherine was born. Of course we adored our daughter, but I was certainly missing our times together. Whether we were just chatting over dinner, giving each other the occasional kiss, or making love, I was happy. But, with Nick's writing career becoming more successful, me practicing for golf, or Catherine, we never had that time to ourselves anymore.

I looked over at Nick, who was smiling, and entertaining our daughter. He is such a wonderful father, Catherine and I are so lucky to have him in our lives. Nick Carraway was truly the gift that kept on giving.

I kissed him on the cheek, and he turned and smiled at me.

"I miss you." I whispered in his ear.

He looked at me suspiciously; "What do you mean, darling?"

I avoided looking at him, and suddenly, he gently grasped my face to I was looking at him. "Darling," Nick said, "What's bothering you?"

This man knew me better than anyone, there wasn't any point in trying to keep anything from him.

"I just feel like you and I have been distant lately, and frankly Nick, I miss you."

He looked at me with concern in his eyes; "Honey, I haven't been trying to be distant. I just feel that you and I have been busy lately. And this little one," He said as he caressed Catherine's cheeks, "has occupied quite a bit of our time."

I smiled down at our baby girl, and then looked down at Nick and I's hands, that were still intertwined. This was love, and although we weren't doing acts of love, the gestures of love were there. Whether it be an adoring smile, a kiss on the cheek, or simply holding another's hand, we were always there for eachother.

"I know she has, but I think we'll keep her around anyway." I said with a chuckle, and we both laughed.

"In all seriousness Jordan, I still, and always will love you. You're the love of my life. I just think we need to learn how to balance our professional lives, our family time, and our relationship. We have been hyperfocused on our family and careers lately. So maybe we need to rekindle some romance." Nick said with a wink.

"What exactly did you have in mind, Mr. Carraway?"

"Well Mrs. Carraway, I was thinking that you and I take a little trip. We haven't had a honeymoon together, and I would love to spoil you, and take you somewhere. What do you say?"

I smiled at him; "I think it's a wonderful idea, my only concern is that who is going to keep an eye on our little Catherine?"

Nick thought for a moment, and suddenly his expression changed, and an idea popped into his head. "My mother wants to visit soon, so maybe she could stay here for a long weekend."

"Nicky, it's a great idea, I just would have a hard time leaving this sweet little angel behind."

I scooped up Catherine so that she was hovering above Nick and I. She was all smiles, and was cooing at the both of us. I could barely leave her for four minutes, nevermind four days."

I brought Catherine down into my arms, and handed her to Nick. He cradled her so that she was nestled right into the crook of his neck.

"I would have a hard time leaving her too, but my mother and her would be fine. After all, my mother and father raised me. What could go wrong?"

I laughed, "Well when you put it that way, we having nothing to lose!"

He kissed me on the lips and smiled at each other. "I'm glad we had this talk, Jordie."

"Me too, honey."

With Catherine practically asleep on Nick's chest, we walked together, hand in hand, back into our bungalow to put Catherine down for a nap.

Catherine fell asleep in no time, leaving Nick and I gazing at her sleeping form.

"She's so perfect." Nick whispered.

"I still can't believe she's ours." I said with a smile.

Nick and I walked out of the nursery, and Nick was about to head downstairs when I grabbed his hand.

"Where do you think you're going, Nicky?"

He looked at me with a confused look on his face; "Going downstairs darling, what about you?"

I kept his hand wrapped in mine and brought him to our bedroom, and shut the door behind us. "I intend on showing you just how much I missed you." I said with a devilish grin on my face.

Nick must have grinned from ear to ear. We hadn't made love since Catherine was born, and he was more than eager to start again.

Kissing eachother passionately, I all of a sudden feel my feet being lifted from the ground. Nick was lifting me up and placing me on our bed. We broke our kiss for a moment, and Nick said to me; "Darling, I love you."

I smiled, "Nick, I love you more."

Nick and I rekindled our passion for one another, over and over again. Thankfully, Catherine decided to take a very long afternoon nap. 

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