Chapter 30

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"Good morning sleepy head"Lauren greeted from  the kitchem making breakfast.

It was now 10:00 am.

"Good morning meatball" Normani said sitting down on a chair.

"Did you sleep well?"She asked giving Normani a cup of milk

"Yeah"Normani said "You're bed is comfortable.If it was up to me i'd never get up" She chuckled

"Now you understand how i feel every morning"Lauren looked at her

"Oh yeah.I perfectly understand"Normani nodded biting onto a cookie.

"Where are your parents?"She asked

"They went to my grandma's house"she informed.

"Why didn't you go with them?"Notmani asked.

Normani thought that her best friend refused to go to her grandma because of her.

"Oh, after what happened the last time i prefer to not go"Lauren said shaking her head as flashbacks of what happened came to her mind.

"Yeah"She laughed "I completely remember, it must have been embarrassing"Normani said.

"Very"She added agreeing.

"What are your plans for today?"Normani asked interrupting the silence.

"To be honest?"Lauren looked at her " i just wanna stay home and do nothing"She chuckled.

"Same"She shrugged "i think i'll just do that"

"So you're staying here?"Lauren asked "i don't mind and my parents sure won't mind"She informed.

"Umh alright"Normani said with a smile.

Like that after they cleaned up the kitchen they went in the living room and sat down on the couch and watched tv for the whole day.


After hours of watching tv,eating crisps,drink coke,having a pillow fight,eating sweets and popcorns,make prank calls and telling each other stories it became night.

"I think it's better if i go home now. I had a lot of fun"Normani said taking her bag and walking towards the front door.

"Same.We should do this more often"Lauren said.

"Yeah"She nodded.

"I'm going now. I'll see you tomorrow"She said opening the front door.

"Don't be late"Lauren said.

"I promise"She smiled walking out of the house.

After dinner with her parents she went upstairs and took a shower before going to sleep.

She exited the bathroom after 20 minutes with a towel around her hair. She then went to her closet and took out some clean underwear and a clean pair of pajamas.

She lied down on her bed with her hair still wet.She really couldn't be bothered to dry them.

She took her phone and  looked at her notification but some messages caught her attention.some of them were from her sister and the rest were from her friends,including Karla.

She replied to all of her friends and her sister but waited till the last person to text Karla.


Lauren:"Heeyyy ;)"

Karla:"i missed you :("

Lauren:"i misses you too :( but i'm here now💕"

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