Chapter 2

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"I wonder if this is a dream or not, will I meet Ciel?" I wonder aloud. "God I sound crazy," I said sighing.

Right when I was about to go to sleep, a scream pierced the night. I didn't even think about it, I got up grabbed my bag, and ran towards the voice.


•(Alexis's POV)•

As I ran I realized I had no idea what I was doing, I didn't know why I even cared if someone screamed in the first place. But the more I tried to convince myself to stop, the more I kept going.

As I was running I heard the sound of fighting, I realized that maybe I wasn't crazy, maybe this wasn't a dream. When I stopped I saw someone I could only assume to be Ciel sitting next to the dead body of Madam Red, and right above us Sebastian fighting Grell with demon speed.

I stood there for what seemed like ages, watching everything that was going on, not able to fully comprehend it. I couldn't tell if I was excited or just plain confused. This seemed to be just another plot for a shitty fanfiction. Or was God just fucking with me?

"-going to stand there?" I was snapped out of my daydreaming by a slightly feminine voice, clearly British.

" hi...nice to meet you I guess...I'm Alexis," I said very awkwardly.

•(Ciel's POV )•

Alexis, from what I could gather she was clearly American. It's odd to find an American in London, but with so much going on that was the least of my worries.

A few moments later another reaper appeared out of, what seemed like nowhere. He told us his name was William, he was sorry for the inconvenience and was going to take the reaper known as Grell back to where they came from.

And with that the case of Jack the Ripper came to an end.

I got up, turning towards the girl. Laying Madam Red's body down nicely, as if making sure not to injure her. I needed to get rid of the witness as clean as possible, but first I had questions for her.

"So," I said, "What are you going to do now that you saw?"

"Nothing," she said simply, but in a way still in shock, maybe from the dead body?

She was so vague I couldn't get a read on her. Just when I was about to ask her what that meant her eye lids started to droop. At first I mistook it for tiredness, it was late in the night after all, but when she "collapsed" I knew that wasn't the case.

Just before she collapsed Sebastian caught her with his demon reflux's.

"Young master what shall I do with her?"

"Take her to the manner," I said sighing, I could tell this was going to be a pain, and it turns out I was right.

•(Alexis's POV )•

I woke up in a strange room.

"I fainted again?" I mumbled to myself as I sat up.

"It seems that this is not the first time this has happened to you, never mind that my master has asked for you to come with me," Sebastian said walking up to me.

As I got out of the big bed I found I was in an olden time night gown.

"Did you-"

"No one of female servants, anyway shall we go?" I nodded.


"What...the...HELL!" I yelled.

The sight before me was worse than anything, no it was like a fan service moment! What was before me was all my underwear and bra's that were in my bag.

I ran to the desk and grabbed everything I could. I looked at Ciel horrified with a blush spreading across my face.

"How could you do that you perv!?" I yelled.

"I am no such thing," Ciel said.

"Obviously you're a perv!"

"I am no such thing!"

"Yes you are, looking through a girls private possessions do you get a kick out of looking at underwear!?"

"I was looking to see if there was a weapon hidden in that bag of yours," Ciel said in a tone someone would use on a child.

"That still gives you no right y- you pervert!" I yelled.



I have edited once again, it's summer again and since I don't have to worry about school I decided to write. I don't know if I already said this but I wanted to give this fic a more mature way of thinking, since I am older now. If you don't already know I wrote this when is was like....13? And it's not very....good. I know I should just trash this but this actually means a lot to me so I really do try on this, and that's why I edit this sooo I know it's a pain but please bare with me. Anyways that was really personal, and I'm sorry it was really long, peace out nerds!

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