Chapter 4

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"Shit why now?" I said, than every thing went dark once again.

It shouldn't have happened so fast.


•(Ciel's POV)•

"Master," Sebastian said slightly startling me. "It seems that Alexis has fainted once again," I stopped what I was working on.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I found Alexis unconscious in the hallway outside her room," I frowned.

"Is it like last time?"

" I don't know for certain, but I did hear her mention something leading me to believe that it has happened before," he paused "And if I'm correct it might happen again."

"Damn it," I said angrily.

"We cannot worry about that now there is just too much we don't know," Sebastian actually said something useful for once.

"As much is I hate to admit it you're right," I said leaning back into my chair.

"Well anyway what shall I do with her clothing?" Sebastian said changing the subject.

"Just put them in her room," we had made quite the mess.

"Yes my lord," Sebastian said.

After he left I started thinking about what else had happened -besides the strange futuristic girl- Madam Red had died. I couldn't believe it, I saw it right in front of my eyes, but I still couldn't believe it. I had held her lifeless body in my arms but I just couldn't except it.

She had died for -what seemed like- because of me. Not only that but the funeral was most likely going to be held in a few weeks. Was I ready for that? Was I ready to-

"My lord she has awoken," Sebastian said interrupted my train to thought.

"That was fast!"

"My lord it's been over an hour since she fainted," Had I been so deep in  thought I let a whole hour slip by?

"Oh," was all I had to say. "All right take me to her," I said as I stood up.

" yes my lord," he said bowing.


As I walked into the room I saw Alexis sitting in her bed still looking half asleep but non the less awake. We sat there for a few minutes in an awkward silence until finally a decided to speak.

"I need you to tell me about what is going on with you," I said.

"To tell you the truth I don't even know, it's not like I have some disease or something I just.....I don't know.......I'm sorry I couldn't help you," She said looking defeated.

"Can you tell me when it started at least?"

"I've always been like this, ever since I was a little girl..... But I think it's been getting more frequent now," Well that was at least a little helpful.

"Hey Ciel I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

"Just make sure you don't overexert yourself, that would be a real pain," I said.

"Well you don't beat around the bush," She said.

"Also in a few weeks we're going to Madam Red's funeral, make sure you are able to handle it."

"Will do!" She said saluting.



So I was looking was I just now realized how bad this chapter was. It was so half assed, like I'm little disappointed in myself. But I fixed it making it all better!! Kinda. Anyways peace out nerds.

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