Chapter 2

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Rosemarie walked towards truck

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Rosemarie walked towards truck. Bella was already seated.
"Good morning, Bells."
Bella smiled at her older twin.
"Morning, Rose."
The two sisters walked into school together. Bella's first class was gym while Marie had history.
Marie waved to her sister and walked into classroom.
She smiled at the professor.
"Oh, you must be Rosemarie Swan. I'm Mr Dawson. You can take a seat beside Mr Hale."
Rose smiled and nodded.
"Thank you."
She walked towards back and sat next to boy that professor showed her.
The boy tensed as she sat down.
Rose looked at him and smiled showing off her dimples.
"Hi. I'm Rosemarie but please call me Marie or Rose. Whichever you prefer. Or you can just call me Rosemarie. Although it's a bit old fashioned. Sorry, I'm babbling."
Jasper felt hers emotions, nervousness. He sent a calming wave to her and she immediately relaxed.
Jasper nodded.
"I'm Jasper and I actually like name Rosemarie. It suits you."
Rose giggled.
"Thank you."
Jasper could smell her blood. He stiffed and tightened his hold on his pen breaking her in process.
Rose smiled at him and gave him other pen.
Jasper nodded, still tensed.
"Thank you."
Rose was now with her sister, they had lunch.
Jessica, a girl that had gym with Bella, and Angela, who was Eric's best friend were sitting next to two girls talking. As Cullen's walked in, Bella looked at Jessica.
"Who are they?"
Jessica looked at the five people that just walked in.
"They are foster kids of Dr Cullen and Mrs Cullen. The two first are Rosalie and Emmett. They are together together. I'm not sure it's legal but whatever. The girl is Alice, her and the guy that looks like he is in pain, Jasper, are best friends. And the last one, Edward. But like don't even try. Nobody is good enough for them."
Marie looked towards their table and smiled as Jasper looked at her.
His eyes stayed fixed on her even though she turned towards Jessica.
"You know Jasper?"
Marie nodded smiling, her dimples showing.
"We sit together in history. He is nice."
Jasper looked down at his hands, smiling.
Alice giggled and Edward chuckled.
Jasper looked at the pair.
Edward smirked.
"You like her."
Jasper sighed.
"You know I can't do anything about it. I don't wanna hurt her."
Alice smiled.
"You won't hurt her. I know."
Jasper sighed and looked at the girl again.
She was laughing at some joke that Mike Newton told her.
Jasper couldn't help but feel jealousy run through him.
He let out a little growl.
Emmett chuckled.
"Easy, boy."
Jasper breathed out. His eyes moving towards Rosemarie again.
He didn't know what was it with her. She was pulling him in to much.
As she stood up her green eyes fell on all Cullens.
Alice waved to her, Edward nodded and smirked at her thoughts. Emmet and Rosalie just send her a small smile.
Jasper smiled at her for real this time, his dimples showing.
Rosemarie's heart quickened it pace.
He is handsome. What are you thinking? You have no chance.
Edward frowned at the last sentence.
Jasper's smile fell from his face as he felt a different emotion from her, sadness. He immediately send her happy vibes. She turned around and walked happily after her twin sister.
Jasper felt the need to automatically calm her down.
It was like a reflex. He watched her retreating form. Her hair swaying, her hips swaying in tight skirt that perfectly hugged her curves. A little skip in her walk made him feel her new emotions, happiness. He found himself feeling drawn to her. It's like she was in control of him. He needed to talk to Carlisle about this as soon as possible.

 He needed to talk to Carlisle about this as soon as possible

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