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You sat on the bench in front of your school, swinging your legs. School had let out half an hour ago, and you watched all the other kids your age play and interact with eachother jealously. You were the outcast, you had no friends to play with. Even the other kids at the orphanage didn't like you.
"Y/n, aren't you going to walk home?" You looked up to see Yashiro Sensei standing by the bench.
"The Manager is picking me up from school," You said in your quiet voice. "She said to wait for her here."
"Okay," Sensei said, looking concerned. He went back inside. You kept waiting, shivering when the snow began to fall. The sky began to darken, and Sensei came back out, wearing his coat.
"Still waiting? Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?"
"Yeah. I'm okay, Sensei." You said, drawing in the snow with your foot.
"Okay, but don't be afraid to ask for help in the future," Sensei told you.
     "Yessir." You mumbled, watching him walk away.
     The street lamps had turned on, and the moon poked hazily through the clouds. You sighed tiredly. Finally, the Manager's car pulled up, and you crawled in the back.
     "Sorry, babe. I hade a client. Couldn't get away. Thank's for understanding." She said, slamming her foot on the gas. You noted by the way she said client that it was most likely an adult male, she didn't want to get away, and you didn't understand why that was more important than getting you home. You were used to it though.
     Next time you just weren't going to wait.

Satoru Fujinuma x Reader FluffWhere stories live. Discover now