Chapter 2

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     You sat at your desk quietly, waiting for school to start. You doodled absentmindedly, staring at the chalkboard. Someone obstructed your line of sight, and you looked up to see Kazu. You waited for him to call you an orphan and laugh that you had no home, but he pulled up a chair and sat across from you.
     "Satoru Fujinuma wants to see you after school!" He said, grinning.
     "I can't." You said, averting your eyes. "I have somewhere to be."
     "Aw don't be like that! Come on, he really wants to see you! Give him at least twenty minutes."
     You finally agreed, just so he would leave you alone.
     (Time Skip)
     You sat on the bench, waiting for Satoru to come meet you. When he sat down, you turned your head so you weren't looking at him.
     "You probably just wanted to remind me that I dont have a mum and dad and that I'm poor," You mumbled bitterly.
     "I-no? I wanted to be your friend." He blustered. You cocked your head at him, hardly believing a word.
     "Why?" You asked.
     "Why not?" He retaliated.
     "Because people just don't want to be friends with me." You snapped, trying to hide how upset you were becoming. You hopped off the bench, shivering. "I don't have friends. And everybody knows that if you're friends with me, then you wont have any friends."
     "We'll with that attitude, of course people are going to avoid you!" He blurted out, then clapped a hand over his mouth. You stared at him.
     "You're crazy." You told him, shivering.
     "Don't you have a coat?" Satoru asked. You shook your head.
     "The manager of the orphanage took it and gave it to one of the younger kids."
     Satoru stared at you. You stared back until you heard the beep of a horn.
     "I'll see you tomorrow." You ran and crawled into the backseat of the managers car.
     "Sorry i'm late, babe. Thanks for understanding." She said, and slammed on the gas.

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