Chapter 5

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     "Manager, I'm going somewhere after school, and I'll walk home." You had build up the courage to tell her. She waved her hand, which you took as permission. "Thank you."
     You walked outside, massaging your sore shoulder. Sleeping on the floor wasn't very fun, especially with no padding. You jumped when you saw Satoru waiting for you.
     "Hey," He smiled. You smiled back, blushing hard when he took your hand. That's bold, you thought, but didnt pull away. his hand was warm. Mr, Ken walked past you two, and scowled at you. You ducked your head and tensed up until he had passed. 
     "Who is he?" Satoru asked.
     "Just a worker." You said quietly.
     "O-okay," Satoru said. You walked in silence for a while. "Are you coming to the children's center after school?"
     "Mmm," you nodded.
     "Cool," He smiled at you, causing you to blush. "I'm glad."
     "Me too," You smiled, listening to the snow crunch under your feet. "Do you like Manga?"
     "Yeah. Do you?"
     "Yeah," You smiled. "I really like Wonder Guy."
     Satoru gaped at you, and you stared back, puzzled. "What?"
     "That's my favorite." He grinned really wide, and you talked about it the rest of the way to school.
(Time skip)
     "Y/n, could you come here a minute?" Yashiro sensei asked, and you followed him into the teachers lounge. "There's going to be an investigation on the children's home you're staying at. I've noticed you keep coming to school with less and less." He studied you. You felt tears well in your eyes.
     "Please, sensei! If something happens it'll be my fault! You can't, I'll get in trouble!"
     "We can't ignore the neglect and abuse of children. You're friends with Satoru, right? We'll do the investigation while you're away from the home. If there is neglect and abuse, We need to make sure it doesn't happen again."
     "Do you promise?"
     "No harm will come to you." He assured you, dismissed you so you could go wash your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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