Chapter 3

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     "Hey babe, You need to let the new kid have your bed. Thanks for understanding." The manager said, and you felt your whole world crumble. "Here's a blanket. Also, You have an appointment in room three tonight. Thanks babe." She walked away, and you stared at the blanket in your hands, sure she was going to take that soon, too.
     You tried to remember who was in room three, and thought about running away. Room three was Mr. Ken, and he only requested you see him when he was really angry. Your hands trembled, and you went up to your room to lay the blanket out on the floor. The manager shook her head.
     "Sorry babe, I forgot to tell you. I moved you up to the attic." She smoothed the quilt out on your old bed for the new kid, a boy older than you. "Here Hidenori," she smiled at him. "You just try to get comfortable, and I'll make you some cocoa."
     You rushed out of the room and up to the attic, sitting on the floor with your head in your hands.
(Time Skip)
     Mr. Ken glared at you.
     "y/n, My girlfriend broke up with me. Who's fault is it?"
     "Mine," you whispered. He nodded maliciously.
     "And why is it your fault, y/n?"
     "Because-Because- because you spend too much time with me." You gasped. He hit you.
     "That's right, you little brat. All my time is wasted on you and your social ineptitude. You stupid little pig, You're the reason for all of my problems. You think that just because your parents died it makes you special? You're nothing." He shoved you on the floor and kicked you in the ribs. You felt one crack and cried out, and he kicked you again to shut you up.
     "Get up, you worthless child, and look me in the eye." He hissed, and you struggled off the ground. He stared at you before backhanding you so hard you were knocked off of your feet. "Get out. I can't stand looking at you anymore."
     You curtsied and left. The manager passed you.
     "Get some snow on that cheek, babe. You've got school tomorrow."
     You stumbled outside and collapsed belly-first into the snow, sobbing. Each breath felt like you were being stabbed.
     "Y/n?" You heard Satoru's voice.
     "Go away!" You yelled.
     "Just leave me alone!" You screamed at him, clutching your side. The manager walked up behind you.
     "A friend of your's, babe?" She asked, taking a drag from her cigarette. "She's alright. Stand up, babe. It's bedtime." You obliged, hiding your face.
     "How did y/n get that bruise?" Satoru asked.
     "Babe? how did you get that bruise?" The manager asked.
     "I tripped and fell." I lied, avoiding his gaze. He looked hurt, but before he could say anything else I was ushered inside.

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