Chapter 4

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You ate lunch slowly, keeping your head lowered. Your bruise hadn't healed completely, so kids were staring at you, whispering behind their hands. Yashiro Sensei had excused you from gym after you told him you had fallen down the stairs and broke a rib. During that period, while everyone was out of the classroom, You sat reviewing arithmetic. Once everyone ran in for lunch, people were giving you dirty looks and asking Sensei why you were getting special treatment.
     "Y/n, can we I sit with you?" Satoru asked, holding his lunch tray.
     "I don't care," You said quietly. Satoru smiled and sat and started eating his lunch. You watched him for a while. "Why are you making an effort to be my friend?"
     Satoru looked up at you, food in his mouth. You stared back.
     He swallowed and began talking. "Everyone deserves to have a friend. It's easier to try liking everyone instead of trying to avoid everyone, and it's a lot of fun to meet new people. Don't you think we should be friends?"
     "You aren't lying?" You asked. He shook his head.
     "When's your birthday?"
     You stared at him. Was he for real? He seemed like it. He watched you.
     "March fifth," You told him. He smiled. "When's yours?"
     "March second."
     "You aren't lying? You really want to be friends with me?"
     "I'm not lying." He said. You nodded and ducked your head.
     "That's what I thought you'd say." He grinned, and you felt your lips curl up into a smile. "You actually smiled!"
     You quickly turned your head, feeling your cheeks warm. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
     "Alright!" Sensei clapped twice, and everyone sat in their seats. You got out your pencil and paper. "Everyone, Time for language arts."
     There was a collective groan from the rest of the class.

Satoru Fujinuma x Reader FluffWhere stories live. Discover now