Chapter 3

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   Roy and Riza started making their way around the city. It was a nice day so they left the car at the café. They had stopped in front of a shop to see what was in the window when Roy looked over at Riza. “Hmm, this could still work.” he said to himself. Riza turned to Roy and tilted her head to the side. “Is something the matter Roy?” she asked confused. “It’s a surprise so I can’t tell you.” Roy grinned and pulled her over to the next building. Once they walked in Riza looked around. “This is a studio. Roy, what’s going on?” she asked curiously. She had a feeling he was up to something but she wasn’t sure what. “Well when I was over at your apartment I noticed that the walls were bare and I was kind of hoping that maybe you would like to get your picture taken with me.” Roy said turning a light shade of red. “Roy, you know I’m not one for pictures and I’m not even dressed properly for one either.” Riza said trying to not sound rude. “But you look fine to me.” He mumbled walking back to the door. She just stood for a second before sighing lightly. “Maybe one picture won’t be that bad. Besides, he’s being nice enough to take me around the city when he could be off doing other things.” she thought to herself. “Roy Mustang. Where do you think you are going?” Riza asked. Roy stopped and turned to look at Riza. “We are going to the next shop.” He said frowning. “But we haven’t taken our picture yet.” She replied putting one hand on her hip. Roy’s eyes brightened up when he heard that. “I thought about it and decided one picture won’t be so bad.” she sighed and shook her head. A woman suddenly walked from around the corner.

   “I thought I heard voices. How may I help you two?” she asked smiling. “We would like to get a picture taken.” Roy replied. “Alright. Just follow me back this way.” the woman said turning to lead them to the back. Roy and Riza both followed quietly when Roy spoke up. “Excuse me, but I was wondering if you sold picture frames as well?” he asked. “We don’t sell frames but one of your choice does come with the picture.” the woman informed him. “Alright, thank you.” Roy said and nodded. All three of them reached the end of the hall and turned into a big open room. “Here we are my dears. Please position yourselves in front of the camera.” the woman said smiling. Roy and Riza took their places in front of the camera. Roy then grabbed Riza in a side hug and she in return rested her head on his shoulder and placed her hands just below his chest but still close to her own body. The woman they had followed walked over to the camera and looked at them. “You two look so adorable. Are you both ready?” she asked. They both nodded at the same time and smiled just before the picture was snapped. After the picture developed they made their way to the front to pick out a picture frame. “Do you see one you like?” asked the woman. “I really like that sliver one. I think I’ll go with that one.” Riza said pointing to a sliver frame on the center right side of the wall. The woman took it down and placed the picture in the frame before putting it in a bag and handing it to Riza. “Her you go miss. The total for the picture and frame together will be 2500 cens.” Roy reached into his pocket, took out his wallet, and handed the woman the money. They turned around and left the studio both smiling. “Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” Roy asked grinning. “You got me this time Roy. It wasn’t as bad as I thought.” Riza said laughing at the look on Roy’s face. They made their way down the streets looking in shops until it started getting late when they made their way back to the café where Roy’s car was. By time they pulled up in front of Riza’s apartment it was dark. “I had a great time today Roy. Thank you.” she said getting out of his car. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself Riza. I’ll see you at the office in the morning.” he said and drove off.

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