Chapter 7

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(Hey everyone. Sorry for the long delay. So much has happened since the last story update. From a month long trip to Alaska to getting a new job about a month and a half ago and family reunions to losing a cousin just three days before my birthday. As you can tell I've been a little busy. Right now is the start of the slow season at work so maybe I can get a little more out. Thank you for sticking this out with me. Now let's get this ride back in action.

P.S. I have drawn a blank for the mission Roy and Riza are on so I'm just going to skip that. I don't want to put in a bunch of filler while I attempt to think of something that may not even be good.)

In the months following their return from West City mission Roy and Riza entered a secret relationship. Their dates consisted of dinner at each other's homes or lunches disguised as work related meetups. However, due to them knowing each other for so long it didn't take long for it to become physical. The stress of their jobs made these days almost a weekly affair on nights they would have dinner at Roy's place. One would think they were very cautious during these encounters but that couldn't be further from the truth. They were very reckless and because their jobs had them thinking of many other things it didn't dawn on them that what they were doing would have consequences.

After being sexually active for a few months Riza came into work looking worried. Roy, who had gotten in before her, picked up on her very different attitude. "Lieutenant, is something the matter? You don't seem like your usual self this morning." This simple question caught Riza off guard but she had to think quickly. 'After work.' She mouthed to Roy. He under stood almost immediately and knew her words that followed were cover ups. "I'm fine sir. Just a little tired is all." Roy nodded at Riza to make it look like he was saying alright when he was actually telling her they would speak after work. She was extremely grateful he could understand her unspoken words. It allowed communication between them to be much easier and secretive.


The work day went by as usual. Havoc and Breada acting ridiculous with Fuery getting caught in the middle and Falman wondering why exactly he was friends with them. Roy kept a close eye on Riza and while she didn't looked worried anymore he knew whatever was wrong was still bothering her. "Alright guys. It's a slow day so I'm just going to relieve early today." Before Roy or Riza could even stand up the other guys shot up and took off leaving Roy wondering what just happened. With the room empty except for Riza he shut the door so he could talk. "Alright, it's just us. What's bothering you?" Riza looked down quietly and when she did look up the worry in her eyes had returned. It was a struggle just for her to find her voice. "Roy we've been very reckless and irresponsible when it comes to the physical aspect of our relationship. I'm nine weeks late and it's got me worried. Roy just stared at her for a moment when it finally dawned on him. He had realized she was right. They were completely reckless and irresponsible when things got physical. It became a matter of when and not if after the first month.

He walked right over to Riza and light placed his hand on her shoulder. She didn't look up at him but did listen to what he had to say. "Riza. Go get checked out. I know how you are so you're probably afraid but don't be. No matter what everything will be alright." Riza took a moment to figure out what to say and to calm down. However she still couldn't look at him. "What if they tell me I am? I don't think I can do it alone." She finally brought herself to look at Roy and when she did she was greeted by the softest, kindest smile she had ever seen on anyone. "I think you could but if it comes back you are you won't be alone. It would be mine and I would never make you raise my child alone. I may not be the best person out there but I would try my hardest to be the best father I can be." Tears instantly formed in Riza's eyes as she threw herself onto him and hugged him tightly. She could feel a heavy weight be lifted off her shoulders. "Thank you. You have no idea just how much I needed to hear those words. I'll get myself in and call you when I get home so please don't be out too long." He leaned forward and kissed her cheek lightly. Then he reached toward her and wiped her tears away. "I'll do one better and go straight home. I'll make sure I don't miss your call at all." Riza finally smiled feeling much better now that she wasn't as worried. She now knew if the worst happens she wouldn't be alone.

As promised, Riza went to the doctor to get tested. While she waited she was nervous and rightfully so. The tests were long and painful and left her with much discomfort. After the degrading tests and general questions she waited in the room for the doctor to come back. Just as she was zoning out she was startled back to her senses by a loud knock. All she could do was watch as the doctor walked in with a folder in his hand. "Well Ms. Hawkeye... It would appear that you are pregnant. Between the tests and your symptoms there is no other answer." He walked up to her and hand over the folder. "I know you are military so your medical orders are as follows; Take it easy, no field work and take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest and eating healthy." Riza was in complete shock and just sat on the bed. "T-Thank you." She quickly got up and left the doctor's office while she chocked back the tears. She couldn't stay in there any longer and just needed to get to Roy. She decided against calling him because she needed him. She needed to be comforted.

Riza was quick to get to Roy's house and hurried to his door. She was in tears by time she got to his door and knocked. Roy answered his door and was greeted by Riza throwing herself into him crying. "Riza..." He instantly knew what was wrong and took a few steps back so he could shut the door. With the door shut he was able to hold her as she cried hard. He wanted her to let out all the frustration she was feeling. "You don't need to say a thing. I don't know what kind of parent I will be but I know you will be an excellent mother. We will do this together the whole way."

(I would like to credit my friend and Wattpad user PrinceBumi. It was his part in our roleplays that inspired me to take this path with my story. Keep the ideas and inspiration coming as I need all the help I can get. Hopefully I can serve as an inspiration or idea factory for your stories in return.)

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