I am far from a damsel sir

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The smell of fresh bread engulfed my senses, bidding me from my slumber.

“Good morning Annabelle, how are you feeling?”

In a wave of panic I jumped from the bed, wincing in pain from the welts on my back.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in my cabin. Don’t worry, we’re hidden very well.”

My eyes finally scanned the surroundings.

“How did we escape the guards?”

“You wished to be a servant again, do you not remember? Oh of course you do, you wished to remember, but you don’t believe this is real.”

“Why should I believe you?”

The smile yet again graced her lips.

She gestured me to the table offering a slice of bread.

“Prince Rowland is a cruel man whose looks deceive even the brightest of women.

Every time he caught your eye, feelings surged through you, and you, ran to me, begging me to have him notice you.

At first everything is great, but soon after you become one, his true side shows.

He begins to force himself upon you, tells you what you can and can not do, and, lashes out on you.

I’m sorry you still have all of those welts this time around, but it will help you remember.”

There was a pause, where my mind went between believing and wanting to run.

“And just as you feared, if you would have went back, he would have slowly killed you.”

The shock in my heart was surely evident on my face.

“Who are you?”

“I suppose I could give you my name. If you really wish to know.”

“I do.”


The name seemed to ring a bell, one I couldn’t place.

“Yesterday, you said this was my third escape from the palace. Explain yourself.”

With a bark of a laugh she wiped her hands on an apron.

“Are you really one to spout commands servant?” The necklace glinted, sending chills down my spine. “You begin to sound like your king.”

“I am nothing like him! You can not disrespect your queen this way.”

Even after calling myself queen, I knew it wasn’t true.

I no longer carried that title.

One day with that clung to my person, and I already feel relieved it’s gone.

“You’re no longer Queen Annabelle. I’ve told you this.

However, I can make that happen yet again. I can send you right back to that filth prince.”

My hands trembled with worry.

“I never want to go back there.”

“Than you will show some respect to the witch who’s saved you three times over now. “A curt nod. “Now listen closely, or you will be caught, and the spell will no longer hold.”

The heart in my chest clenched, fearing the worst. “As much as you want to, you can not leave this town. The spell will break and the entire palace will search for you, to bring you back dead or alive. Hide your face as much as possible, I will give you some clothes, keep them loose fitting. As you already know the prince searches for one with a body such as yours.

The people of this town do not know who you are.

Create a story. Maybe you came from another town because your father wished you to have a better life. Yes, that’s good, used that.

Now here, change your clothes.”

The ratty old cloth seemed foreign after wearing silk everyday.

“Go get a job in the stable, your prince hardly every goes there.

Keep a low profile my dear Annabelle, or we both will pay a price.”

“Where do I stay? Am I to sleep in the hay with the horses?”

“I think a few days back in nature’s hold will be good for you.

The stables have a spare bed on the floor above. You will stay there, only coming here when absolutely needed.”

I am to sleep with horses.

“With whom do I speak for the job?”

“You must speak with a man named Joshua about a job in the stables. They need the help, they will not turn you down.

Now, before you go, put this on, and remember, keep your face covered.”

With a shove I was outside, warily walking to town.

Everyone continued their normal business, almost unaware I had even walked by.


How do I find the one named Joshua?

“Excuse me.” The woman bustled past, ignoring my presence. “Excuse me. I’m looking for Joshua. Do you know him?

Anyone? Please. I need to speak to Joshua.”

I’m not used to being ignored.

I can feel my temper rising.

“I am Joshua. How may I help you?”

Oh my.

He’s more handsome than Rowland, also more pudgy, but unbelievably good looking.

“Yes, I was hoping for a job in these stables sir.”

“There is no need to call me sire madam.

Your presence, have you worked with royalty?”

I thought no one would know!

“My father, he taught me, he wished I would one day work for the king.”

Please believe me.

“Are you from these parts?”

There was an odd gleam in his eyes as he awaited an answer.

“No. I am from the town over. My father got sick. His final request was for me to come here.”

“Oh. I’m terribly sorry about your father.”

“It’s quite alright. It is inevitable.”

“So what town are you from?”


I’ve never left the kingdom!

I don’t know of the other towns.

A hearty laugh escaped his throat.

“Just as I thought. You’re not from the next town over.

Listen, whatever you’ve gotten yourself into, you’re safe here.

Come, I’ll show you around.”

My heart fluttered, relieved by his kindness, and from a foreign feeling, something I never thought I would feel again.



“So what is your name damsel?”

“I am far from a damsel sir. It’s Annabelle.”

“That’s a lovely name, does it match your face? I can’t seem to see it behind all of these clothes.”

“That is the point. My name is lovely, given to me by my mother. My face is not to be seen, or you will surely fall head over heels in love with me dear Joshua.”

A sparkle gleamed in his eyes and a smile spread across his face.

“You’ve caught my interest already Annabelle.”

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