You are so lucky!

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“The food is ready Annabelle. Eat quickly so you can reach the stables in time.”

“In time for what Adaryn?”

“The Prince wishes to see you.”

The piece of bread momentarily lodged itself in my throat. “W-what? Why ever should I hurry if I must meet with my demise?”

“Calm down child. He just wishes to court you.”

“He wishes to steal my life.”

With an ungrateful gulp I finished my food before storming out of the cottage.

‘He just wishes to court you.’

I do not recall wishing for a new life, just to go back to being his slave.

How does she speak so easily of the subject?

Does she really care about what happens to me?


She is a witch after all.

No one is to trust a witch.

“Annabelle, good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“The Prince is here to see you.” The excited look on her face made my stomach churn.

“Is he?”

“There you are my beauty!” With a haughty expression towards Joshua he walked towards me. “What is this? Why are you not wearing the dress I gave you?”

“Your highness, I am working, I did not wish to ruin the cloth.”

“You need not worry about such things anymore. There are plenty more dresses where that came from.”

My eyes met Joshua’s for a split second before he turned away.

“Thank you sir, but I do not need them.”

“It is not about you needing them, I wish to give them to you. As a gift.”

“You are a kind Prince.”

I bowed slightly, wishing he would leave.

“This is true.” His finger gently lifted my chin to meet his gaze. “I wish to court you Annabelle. Please say yes.”

The hopeful look in his eyes seemed out of place.

I doubt he had to work so hard for my attention before.

“Your highness-”

“Come, we shall leave now. You no longer need to work in these stables.” With a firm grip he held my hand his in my own. “Someone prepare my horse, I wish to take her for a ride. As well as a second horse for Annabelle.”

The surprised look on my face was nothing compared to the hurt look on Joshua’s.

“Congratulations Annabelle!”

“Annabelle! You are so lucky!”

“I wish you the best of luck!”

Smiles were on every face of the women who I worked with, unknowing of the true Prince behind the nice façade.

“Prince Rowland, I really am flattered, but I’m not sure I’m the woman you’re looking for.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, you are that woman, and so much more! You make me happy Annabelle!”

With a boisterous smile he lifted me onto a horse.

A hearty laugh escaped his throat as he went to mount Lyric.

Finding Hell in FairytalesWhere stories live. Discover now