There is no future for us

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“My dear Annabelle!” Rowland bowed before me, a goofy grin on his face. “It has been twelve moons time since we have seen each other. It seems we have been too busy for our relationship to flourish.”

My eyes drifted to Joshua’s as Rowland ranted on.

Every night, I had been at Joshua’s, restoring our friendship, making it stronger than ever before.

“How about tonight love?”

“I’m sorry? Tonight for what Prince?”

“We shall have dinner at the castle, I have some very important news to disperse.”

Gritting my teeth to keep myself from responding harshly, I nodded. “Sounds wonderful highness. I shall see you when the sun has lowered itself behind the hills.”

“Very well, until then.” Quickly he swooped down and placed a kiss on my lips before walking off, keeping eye contact with Joshua.

Disgusted, I wiped my mouth clean.

“Annabelle! The Prince loves you so!”

“You are the next Queen!”

The women squealed over me, just barely drowning out the chuckling of a man named Joshua.

Had the guards not been standing watch, I would have went over to gripe.

“Are you excited?”

“Oh.” Snapping back to the conversation I forced a smile. “Yes of course, he is the Prince after all.”

The day flew by, yet seemed to drag on painstakingly slow.

“Miss Annabelle. Prince Rowland is waiting, if you’ll accompany me to the castle.”

“Yes sir.”

I followed close behind, dreading the dinner soon to come.

“There is a bath drawn for you, as well as a change of clothes.”

“Oh Miss Annabelle! So great to see you again!”

The bath attendant smiled gleefully as she cleaned me.

“It is great to see you as well. How are things in the castle?”

I saw her smile falter for a mere second before she answered. “Just grand ma’am.”

“Is the Prince behaving himself I hope?”

This time, the smile was wiped off of her face. “Of course ma’am, why do you ask?”

“I was only joking Rhian.”

“Oh! You remember my name!”

“Of course I do. You are a great worker here, you deserve to be noticed.”

Rhian’s bubbly personality resurfaced as she helped me get ready.

“Thank you ma’am. I greatly appreciate your compliment.” With one last tug she had the dress in place. “You look beautiful as always Miss Annabelle.”

“Thank you Rhian.”

With a slight bow I exited the washroom, finding my way easily to the dining hall, where I knew the Prince would be waiting.

“Annabelle, sit sit.”

“Yes sir.”

“Please, we are alone.”

“. . . . Rowland.”

“There, that’s much better. We have so much discuss tonight.”

“What matters would you wish to discuss?”

Finding Hell in FairytalesWhere stories live. Discover now