Chapter 15

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Five males stood in a huddle; clinking glasses filled with whiskey while observing the females which walked around. For reasons unknown, this gathering seemed more primal. Many wolves came out and the intensity of the night escalated, much with the rising moon as fights commenced and mating not too far from watching eyes could be seen. The city wolves felt charged, while not used to such a feeling they couldn't help but watch in wonder. The wild wolves much at home as they drank, ate and let their instincts take over.

Nathan's hooded eyes took in the unmated females but despite everything, he wasn't able to distract himself from his mate. His comrades nudged him back to attention, their own wolves feeling the heightened senses of the night.

Diego finished his glass to pour himself another one, "This trumps most the parties I've attended, who knew a hippy set-up with a BBQ could make it feel so alive?"

"What kind of parties have you been to Diego? The savages here can't hold on two seconds without fighting," as if proving his point he nodded to a brawling pair of females to their right, "a party that's a mockery, that's what." Santiago added, his wolf had become quite domesticated over the years and was not present like the others. Instead, the wolf from Murcia in southern Spain criticized the festivities. Snubbing his nose up at the raw emotions the wild wolves let loose; even though it was by their very nature.

"Least the alcohol is pretty good, muy suave." The brooding Hugo swished the amber liquid before taking a sip. 

Nathan nodded, "I'm taking a few bottles of this back with me."

"Pft, that's the only thing." Santiago snorted, disgust coating the deep chocolate of his eyes as his eyes latched onto a gay couple fornicating in plain view. "There's such a lack of common decency, who on this Earth fucks out in the open?!"

Diego winked, "You're complaining? What's not to like about front row seats. If you don't like it then don't watch it." Hugo shook his head at Diego's dirty thoughts, "Let's just hope for an orgy."

"I'm not watching unless it's females only," he waved a hand to his crotch, "this guy only likes coño."  

"Maybe the wild ones could show us a few new moves in the bedroom." The fourth male Apollo nudged Diego, "imagine how freaky they must be if they're like this outside the bedroom." He drooled as his mind took over.

"Wouldn't you like that San? Brings me back to the years when we were teenagers."

Wincing at the nickname Diego had given him since high school, Santiago removed his gaze from the couple and instead found something that caught his interest.

Nathan lost in this thoughts nearly spat the whiskey out his mouth at the words that flew out of Santiago, "Is that Alpha Brett with the bitch?"

None too casually, all eyes swung to the two Alpha's in question who sat on a bench at the other end of the party. Speaking in Gaelic, their conversation couldn't be deciphered or picked up from such a distance but from the male's body language, it was clear that there was more than what was at the surface; Nathan's wolf took over the pupil of his eyes as he carefully watched the interaction.

"So what." He ground out, attempting to hide the contempt that his wolf was flinging at the male Alpha. He turned around as the other four noted their friends expression.

"My friend overheard Alpha Brett saying that he's propositioning himself to Titania. Remember the Elders warning? She has four and a half months to claim a mate." Diego did not miss the clench of Nathan's fists, and he couldn't help himself but prod.

"Honestly, out of all the wolves, he's probably the best of a match you could get. He's wild, an Alpha and let's not mention he's like her but a male version. Perfect." 

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